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Anxious Animals: How To Help Your Pets Adjust When Moving To A New Home

Moving is a stressful time for every member of your family, and your pets are no exception. Just like you, they may need some time to adjust to their new surroundings after a move. Here are some tips to minimize your pet’s stress and help your pets adjust when moving to a new home.

Anxious Animals How To Help Your Pets Adjust When Moving To A New Home

Limit Your Stress

Your pet can sense your stress, so minimizing your angst reduces theirs.

Keep calm during the move and give yourself ample time to pack and complete other tasks.

Have plenty of help lined up, rent your moving truck from a reliable rental company, and know where your boxes are coming from so you don’t have to scramble.

There are even some moving companies that offer horse trailers and other specific trailer rentals depending on your needs.

If possible, have any loud renovations or construction projects on the new home completed before moving in.

Create A Safe Space

On moving day, place your pet along with his food, water, bedding, and toys in a bedroom.

If you have a cat, include his litter box. Ensure the windows in this room are closed and the door stays shut throughout your move.

Move this room last and set it up first in your new home.

Again, secure your pet and his belongings in the room while you unload your moving truck.

Keep your pet in this room until he feels comfortable leaving.

Cats may need to stay in this safe room for a few days after you move while dogs can generally be released as soon as the moving trucks are gone and all is quiet again.

A single room filled with familiar items is far less intimidating to your pet than a larger unknown space.

Play More

Make sure you spend lots of time playing with your pet and walk your dog frequently after you move.

Tired critters are much less likely to get into trouble while you’re focused on unpacking and settling in.

A tired pet is far less likely to go snooping through open boxes you haven’t entirely emptied yet or run off.

This will also help your pet get used to its new surroundings and provide a nice bonding experience.

Remember to update your pet’s identification tags immediately after your move just in case a stressed pet does get out.

Keep doors and fences closed during the adjustment period and get into your new routine as soon as you can after moving.

With a little patience and a few extra snuggles, your pet should adjust to your new home just fine.


Sunday 14th of October 2018

Good to transition slowly. I think it's planning ahead and preventing unnecessary stress

Jessica H

Wednesday 25th of October 2017

This is super helpful! Not planning on moving soon, but good to know for the future.

Paula K

Tuesday 2nd of May 2017

Great tips! We have 4 indoor Cats (sshh...babies, they don't like the "C" word!) and are planning on physically moving in 3 years. LOL! If you see my house you would understand that that time frame is going to be cutting it close! Right now the babies are having fun playing in the boxes and with the newspaper but I know that the closer the time comes and the more stuff is packed the more anxious they will be.


Monday 1st of May 2017

These are great tips. Moving can be such a stressful situation for everyone involved.

Sam Spieller

Friday 28th of April 2017

Good ideas. We've been through several moves, but these are always good reminders, especially when we have a big move coming up soon. Moving is tough for everyone, including the pets! Thank you!

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