I am Diane, author of Miss Molly Says. I am so happy you dropped by! Here you can read about Miss Molly Says. Be sure and take a moment to read the fun story behind Miss Molly Says and meet all the pups in the pack too!
You will find informative articles based on real-life experiences on pet health, nutrition, training, adoption, and families and pets.
I do not profess to be a veterinarian or professional trainer, however I have years of REAL-LIFE experience to share. It’s one thing to talk or write about things but when you actually live it day to day, it brings a whole new level to it!

Oh, wait! I just have to mention the homemade dog treats because those are my pup’s favorites!
We have homemade treats for dogs and even homemade cat treats so I am sure your pet will love them too!

My History with Dogs
From an early age, I have always had multiple pets of all kinds, shapes, and sizes. I was particularly fond of dogs and cats.
For the past 30+ years, I have been the proud pet parent to a pack of dogs. I have had as many as 14 dogs in my home at one time.
Currently, I have 8 dogs ranging from a new puppy to my 12-year-old senior dogs. They are of various breeds and mixed breeds and range from 7 pounds to 125+ pounds.
Each pup is a rescue (rescue and adoption are dear to my heart) in some way or another. Whether they were a stray that chose me or a rescue I adopted, each was welcome into my home.
My experience has come from the years of day-to-day living with dogs and experiencing the many life stages, behaviors, and illnesses along the way.
Rescue and Adoption
You can read about incorporating a new pup or dog into your home WITH existing dogs all day long but until you have experienced it firsthand, you will not know the true ins and outs.
Yup! Reading about it makes it sound so easy. However, you won’t know until you are in the thick of it how tough it really is. My goal is to give you true-life action tips on how to go about it.
Introducing a new puppy or dog takes time especially when they are rescued.
My experience ranges from little bottle-fed babies to raising litter mates to the adoption of adult dogs. I have done it all multiple times.

As stated, I have never professed to be a professional trainer however, you can’t live with this many dogs and not learn a few things along the way!
From incorporating them into the pack to basic obedience training and training them all to get along, I will give you actionable tips you can put to good use!
You will also find articles on dog aggression and the many forms it can take.
I have dealt with many different forms of aggression from food aggression to aggression among pack members being the worst.
I share my experience along with how to identify what type of aggression you are dealing with and possible solutions.

Experience with Illnesses
I have dealt with minor injuries to life-threatening injuries and everything in between.
Of course, there are normal everyday bumps, scrapes, and belly aches. Does it need stitched up or not? My pet is vomiting or having diarrhea, what medications can I use? Is there a home remedy I can use? These are all questions we ask at some time or another.
Then, unfortunately, I have experience in dealing with emergencies and terminal illnesses too.
From bladder stones to bloat disease and an emergency leg amputation, emergencies are harrowing.
Terminal illness is always heartbreaking. I have experienced dogs with bone and blood cancer and losing my big Ozzy to bloat.
I’ve had dogs pass at home on their own and dogs I have had to let go with peaceful euthanasia. Either way, it is never easy.
We offer several articles from the heart on how to handle grief for pet owners, children, and even other pets in the household. Yes! Our pets grieve the loss too!

Pets and Keeping Your Home Clean
When you live with a pack of dogs, there is always something to clean. Did I mention hair and the need to vacuum, vacuum, vacuum? Hint: I vacuum my hardwoods to keep the dust down and then mop.
And, what about the 3 P’s: pee, poop, and puke which leads to stains and smells. I see you nodding your head pet owners!
Keeping your home clean when living with a pack of dogs is not for the faint of heart but I have some helpful articles you will appreciate!
As you can see, there is a wealth of information to be found on Miss Molly Says! I have done my best to roll all my years of experience into articles that are informative and helpful to other pet owners.
If you have a particular question or would just like to touch base, you can reach me at diane@missmollysays.com