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How to Give Your New Pup a Happy Life

There aren’t too many things more exciting than bringing a dog into your life. After all, there are oh so many benefits — you’ll be healthier, happier, and there’ll be an extra dose of love in your home. However, while you might get a lot of pleasure from having a dog in your life, your happiness shouldn’t be the end goal. You should be working hard to ensure that the dog you adopt has a happy life, too. In this blog, we’ll take a look at a few tried and tested tips that’ll make sure that’s just what happens.

How to Give Your New Pup a Happy Life

Everyone On Board

You may have wanted a dog for as long as you remember, but if you’ve got a family, then you’ll want to think about what the other people in your household think about dogs too. In all likelihood, you won’t need to work too hard to convince your children of the merits of having a dog. Your partner may or may not need a little more work. Before deciding to get a dog, make sure everyone’s on board with the idea. Your family will become your dog’s family, and things won’t run smoothly if one member wants nothing to do with him or her.

How to Give Your New Pup a Happy Life

Long Adventures

You’ll know that you need to take your dog out a couple of times a day. But it’s important to remember that this is the bare minimum. If you’re going to ensure that your dog is as happy as possible, then it’s important that you’re going on longer adventures from time to time. Your dog will (likely) love spending many hours in a beautiful, wild spot. So whenever you can, look at visiting a scenic spot nearby and really let your canine get in touch with their wild side. When you do take these trips, let them run free — they won’t enjoy it quite as much if they’re on the leash.

How to Give Your New Pup a Happy Life

Managing the Issues

We tend to focus on the positives of having a pet dog, but it’s not as if it’s all a walk in the park. There will be issues that must be managed too, though, of course, which issues these are will depend on your specific dog. It could be that they’re predisposed to suffer from certain health conditions, in which case careful and proactive management will be required. It could be that they have behavioral issues that require help. You can help your pet to live a calmer and happier life by reading about things like separation anxiety and fear aggression in dogs. Dogs are happy by nature, but sometimes this side of them has to be nurtured.

Grooming and Eating Well

Finally, make sure that the essentials have been taken care of. Your dog will love when they’re well-groomed, and, of course, when they’ve eaten well. Indeed, there’s arguably no animal more content than a well-fed dog. While they’ll have their standard, daily food, look at giving them the odd treat every now and again — they’ll love it.

Sandy Klocinski

Wednesday 15th of July 2020

Everyone On Board definitely belongs at the top of the list! People need to consider all aspects of having a dog before they get one


Wednesday 15th of July 2020

These are great tips, especially the "Managing Issues" part. Some people don't think about that when they get a new dog.

Debbie P

Monday 13th of July 2020

I'm glad that Everyone On Board is at the top of the list!

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