If you’ve recently gotten a new horse, you’ll want to implement the proper care to ensure good health. Horses have different needs than your average household pet, and it’s important to familiarize yourself with all the essential care tips. For first-time horse owners, these four equine care tips are ideal.

Provide the Right Foods
Horses require a lot of fiber in their diets for optimal digestion. You should be giving your horse enough food to eat many small meals each day.
Clean grass and hay will make up much of your horse’s diet.
Oats and corn are also good to feed to your horse in more limited amounts.
Your horse may also enjoy licking on a salt block, which can be hung somewhere in the stall or tied to a gate.
For a tasty treat, consider giving your horse the occasional apple, carrot or sugar cube.
Be Cautious of Extreme Heat
Horses generally tolerate extreme cold better than extreme heat.
The high heat might make it impossible for your horse to lower its body temperature through sweating, and this can lead to serious health problems.
ASPCA states that if the sum temperature of degrees Fahrenheit with the relative humidity percentage is greater than 130, it’s best to use caution when exercising your horse.
If the number totals more than 150, your horse will be better off resting in the shade.
A reading of 180 can be especially dangerous for exercise.
Avoid Bodily Harm and Property Damage
The place where you choose to lodge your horse should have enough space to move around enough so that your horse doesn’t end up suffering bodily damage.
Your horse can also cause structural damage to your barn or stable if there is inadequate space.
In addition to having enough space, the area where you keep your horse should be free of any unnecessary debris or clutter.
Plumbing and electrical system components are also important to keep out of reach from your horse.
If your horse does end up damaging any steel pipes, you can order new ones from a reputable supplier.
Remember to Brush Regularly
Along with washing, your horse should be brushed frequently for better hygiene.
Brushing can remove tangles and bugs that may be in your horse’s hair.
Your horse will also likely feel less itchy when you remove extra dirt and dander from the hair.
Brushing should be done in the direction of your horse’s natural hair growth.
Be careful when going over areas that might be sensitive or ticklish.
You may need to use a detangler to untangle tough knots in the mane and tail.
Giving your new horse the right type of care will promote better well-being for your animal friend.
By determining their needs, you’ll be able to provide the best care possible.