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What to Do When You Have a Pet Emergency on the Road

There are few things that are more fun than traveling with your favorite four-legged companion. If he or she gets sick on the road, though, there are definitely few things that are more frightening. Below are the steps you should take if you have a pet emergency on the road.

What to Do When You Have a Pet Emergency on the Road

Stop and Assess the Problem

First and foremost, make sure that you stop driving so that you can assess the problem. Pull your car over, park somewhere safe, and take a look at your furry companion. Try to figure out if the situation is actually an emergency before you move on—you should still probably visit a vet as soon as possible, but your first assessment will help you figure out exactly how quickly you need help.

Take Care of Immediate Issues

Your next step is to take care of any immediate problems. If your animal is bleeding, for example, you’ll want to make sure that the wound stays clean and that you do what you can to stop the bleeding. While your medical expertise might be lacking, you can always play an important role by trying to keep your animal companion calm and by making the right decisions for his or her health.

Find Local Help

Depending on the severity of the situation, you may need to reach out to local veterinary help. If you can travel, you should find the closest emergency vet. If you can’t move from your current location, you should reach out to a mobile veterinarian for help. While these veterinarians may not know your animal, they will be able to help you to get through any emergency situation.

Consider Your Next Steps

Finally, you’ll want to decide the best next step for your dog. You may need to board your animal if he or she is not capable of traveling, for example, or your best bet might be to go back home in order to give your pet the rest he or she needs. Take some time to put your pet first when you make your travel choices so that you can give him or her a good chance to recover.

It’s never fun to deal with a pet emergency on the road, but you can respond in a way that gives your pet a good chance to recover. Remember to respond quickly and rationally and to keep your pet’s safety in mind. If you can make the right calls, you can get back on the road and enjoy the rest of your trip.

Debbie P

Friday 23rd of August 2019

This is great advise. Thanks.

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