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#BloggersWanted – Dad’s Day Giveaway Hop! #dadsdayhop

#BloggersWanted - Dad’s Day Giveaway Hop! #dadsdayhop

Miss Molly Says and Mom Does Reviews are VERY EXCITED to share this great opportunity with YOU!

Giveaway hops are great ways to increase your traffic!

Please use #Dadsdayhop in your social shares!

This Blog Hop is for gift cards or Fun Items for Dads. You can giveaway anything you know your readers will like and there is no minimum. Since this is a Father’s Day Giveaway, you can choose prizes like tools, gadgets, cash – anything your dad would love! Of course, everyone loves gift cards!

Because this is a blog hop, each blog will be responsible for securing their own prize on their own blog. There is no minimum. The Prize can be sponsored OR you can self sponsor. The giveaway cannot be a group giveaway. Joining this Blog Hop is FREE! You do NOT have to post the announcement- but we do appreciate shares. If you Tweet, pin, or share on FB, that would be amazing!

WHEN: Your giveaway will start 5/29 at 1201am and end 6/12 at 1159p est

Who: YOU! Anyone with a blog can sign up.

Sign ups close 5/26- HTML will be emailed 5/27

Just enter your blog name and email on the linky below.

Tracy Snyder

Friday 19th of May 2017

I can not wait until this starts!!!! I will be back on the 29th. I think my husband lives and breathes for Benji. I always make sure Mike (husband) gets something from Benji for father's day. Usually it is something he can do with Benji. Last year it was a teeter ball. Of course, Mike plays with it more than Benji!!!!

Sarah L

Wednesday 17th of May 2017

Makes me wish I were a blogger... I'll be on the lookout for it.

Love these woofs?

Help spread our waggie tales. You're pawesome for doing it!