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Cat Lovin’! These Reasons Will Make You Love Your Cats More [Infographic]

Gorgeous, irresistibly cute, cuddly, soft, and graceful creatures – what’s not to love about cats? Admit it, when they are still kittens, you can’t help but flash a smile whenever you see one. And it goes the same to pet lovers who don’t like cats so much. Let’s face it. Not everybody likes cats, but there are many reasons to love them.

Cats have this unique charm that catches our attention. They are quirky animals that just sit on our laps or rub their bodies to our legs whenever they feel like it. They can be feral and brutal hunters, but they can be calm furry felines at the same time. They have long lives, nine lives, as they say. And unlike dogs, cats are contented with small spaces as they love to squeeze inside a box without being uncomfortable.

They have different personalities and can be antisocial sometimes. But when cats seem like aloof, it makes us want to get their attention even more. They don’t mind if we touch their bodies or play with their feet. And when cats really want you to notice them, they purr and come to you, which gives a happy feeling because they choose to be with you.

In the most basic sense, cats embody the best qualities of other pets combined. They are warm and communicative creatures but can still be wild beings that naturally make them a big part of the animal kingdom. But to give you more reasons to love cats, here’s an infographic created by PurringPal, and let’s see if it changes your love for cats.

Cat Lovin', These Reasons Will Make You Love Your Cats More [Infographic]

Julie Waldron

Monday 25th of February 2019

We are keeping our daughter's cat until she moves. I have to admit, he's grown on all of us. I was never a cat person but I couldn't imagine not having him around! He keeps us entertained with his antics. :)


Wednesday 9th of January 2019

Cats give the affection you give them back and more. Perfect naptime/bedtime partners.


Tuesday 13th of November 2018

They also pull the fever out of you somehow when you are running a fever. I have noticed that they even gravitate towards someone who is sick

Shakeia Rieux

Thursday 1st of November 2018

I wish I knew about this when I had my cats, a lot of great information I didn’t know about.

sheila ressel

Tuesday 30th of October 2018

I'm happy to see someone else who appreciates cats as much as I do. I am a crazy cat lady and I don't care who knows!

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