Proper animal bite treatment is vital, as untreated wounds can result in localized infection, extensive scarring, nerve damage or a dangerous systemic infection like sepsis. Take a look at these home remedies for animal bites.

Cat and dog bites are fairly common and they can occur in many different scenarios, including:
- breaking up a cat or dog fight
- during play or “mouthing” (especially with a teething puppy or kitten)
- while administering first aid treatment to an injured animal
- while trapping or handling a feral cat or stray dog
- during the course of cat or dog grooming.
There are certain measures that should be taken in order to prevent infection from dog bites and other animal bites.

Cat and Dog Bite First Aid – How to Treat Animal Bites
The following first aid treatment should be performed on a cat or dog bite victim:
1. Allow the wound to bleed for approximately 10 minutes (except in cases of profuse, heavy bleeding); this will flush away bacteria.
2. Flush the wound with running water for five minutes; allow the water to run into the wound.
3. Wash the bite wound and surrounding area with an anti-bacterial soap for five minutes.
4. Thoroughly rinse the wound and allow to air dry. Do not blow on the skin to dry it, as this will lead to contamination.
5. Pour betadine into the wound and around the surrounding area; allow it to air dry. If necessary, hydrogen peroxide can be substituted for betadine.
6. Apply a generous amount of antibiotic ointment (Neosporin, triple antibiotic, or similar) into the puncture; also apply to a one-inch diameter surrounding the wound.
7. Cover with a sterile gauze pad or several layers of rolled gauze.
8. Transport the cat or dog bite victim to the physician’s office or emergency room.
9. Apply ice compresses for 20-minute increments to reduce swelling and pain.
A visit to a physician or emergency room is always recommended for cat bites, dog bites, and other animal-related puncture wounds due to the high risk of infection and illnesses like rabies.
In addition to home remedies for animal bites, antibiotics are always prescribed.

Cleaning a dog or cat bite
The dog or cat bite wound should be cleaned three times per day (using steps 2 through 7) until completely healed.
Depending on the location of the wound, the physician may recommend leaving it uncovered to allow for improved airflow.
Prior to each subsequent cleaning, cold compresses should be applied for an hour (using a pattern of 20 minutes on; 10 minutes off). This will reduce swelling, allowing for more effective cleaning inside the wound.
Stitches are rarely recommended for cat and dog bite victims due to the high risk of infection.
When stitches are required, (i.e. if the wound involves the face or if the skin is torn, rather than punctured), a drain will be inserted to promote drainage.
Symptoms of Dog Bite Infection and Treatment of Infected Animal Bites
Puncture wound infections are very common, as the bacteria are essentially “injected” into the skin.
Inflammation can cause the wound to swell closed; this impedes drainage and traps bacteria inside the wound.
Puncture wounds from animal bites are even more prone to infection due to the number of bacteria that are present in the mouth.
Cat and dog bite victims should look for the following symptoms of infection:
- swelling worsens with time
- redness worsens with time
- pus and/or green, yellow, white or pink discharge
- odor at the wound site or discharge with odor
- increased pain
- red streaks radiating out from the wound site
- fever, chills or aches
- bite wound that will not heal
Typically, after the first 24 hours, swelling, redness, and pain peak.
Thereafter, gradual improvement should occur. If symptoms worsen with time, this is a sign of a cat or dog bite infection.
Immediate treatment is required if an infection is suspected.
Animal bite treatments may include surgical removal of dead tissue, wound flushing, anti-inflammatory medications, and oral or IV antibiotics.
If rabies is suspected (or in cases where rabies cannot be definitively ruled out) the cat or dog bite victim may receive a series of injections and rabies testing.

Cat Scratch Infection and Cat Scratch Fever
The same first aid techniques can be utilized for cat scratches (particularly scratches from unfamiliar or feral cats), along with scratches from wild animals and other domestic pets like dogs, hamsters, or rabbits.
Improper cat scratch treatment can lead to infection, as the cat’s claws are bacteria-laden from trips to the litter box, grooming, and simply walking.
In some cases, a cat scratch infection can lead to cat scratch fever, which occurs when the wound is infected by a specific type of bacteria known as “Bartonella Henselae.”
This form of cat scratch infection, also known as “cat scratch disease,” is not usually serious in a healthy individual however on occasion, a course of antibiotics may be required.

Whether the treatment is for a cat scratch or dog bite, photos can be a useful tool for monitoring healing. Gradual changes can be difficult to detect.
Cat or dog bite photos, taken on a daily basis (in the same location with the same lighting), can be compared and if the wound fails to improve or gets worse, this indicates infection.
In the case of a dog bite, photos are also useful as a form of documentation. If an incident leads to a dog bite lawsuit, photographs can be vital. Accurate documentation of injuries is vital in a dog bite case.
While home remedies for animal bites are useful and to be implemented when the bite happens, you should always seek the help of a doctor.
Blake Marchand
Tuesday 15th of February 2022
Looking to win this giveaway. Thanks for the chance!
Phillis Winters
Wednesday 16th of September 2020
My dog was accused of biting a child. I know for a fact he did not, because we were not in the park section where they claim the dog bit the child. When the man holding the child showed me the bite mark, it was severely bruised, no skin broken, no saliva, and no blood. The man claims the bite was less than 15 minutes old. I can't find anywhere on the internet how long it takes for a dog bite to cause bruising. These people were looking for someone to blame. The child never cried, yelled or said anything - she was laughing and smiling. I am very scared. My dog is 16-1/2 lbs of love who lives w/two cats, and sleeps w/one cat and me. Can you just tell me how long it takes for bruising to appear? I believe she was bitten the day earlier.
Wednesday 16th of September 2020
I am so very sorry to hear this :( However, I have no idea. I would think bruising would take more than 15 mins?