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Kitten or Adult Cat: Which is for You?

Well, since we was talkin’ ’bout cats the last time when we was a tellin’ ya about the 10 cat breeds that are great for kids, we might as well talk about em some more. If ya listened to me and my Lady, ya probably know if a cat is right for your family. Well, there’s more to it than that. There’s a world of difference between a cute li’l kitty an a growed up cat. My Lady’s gonna tell ya some things for ya to chew the fat with the family over while your makin’ up yer minds.


Kitten or Adult Cat: Which is for You?

Why Get a Kitten?

Well, have you seen them? There’s very little in the world that is cuter than a kitten. There are also very few pets that are more mischievous than a kitten. They make a lot of messes and get themselves into trouble pretty quickly because they are constantly exploring and learning. Think very active young child and you have about the half of a kitten. They need a safe environment and a lot of attention. If you have older children that can help with a kitten, they could be a good fit with your family. By the same token, if it’s just you and you aren’t gone for work for extended periods, a kitten can work.

Be ready for the expense of a kitten as well. Vet bills for shots, illness, sterilization (most likely) and the chance of injury can add up quickly with a kitten. If you are able to provide a lot of attention and guidance plus the veterinary care, you could be a perfect kitten owner, just remember the last, most important thing. Kittens grow into cats, and while there are many benefits to owning an adult cat, many people forget that fact.

Why An Adult Cat?

If you want a cat but have decided a kitten isn’t for you, don’t worry, there are many advantages to adopting a fully grown cat. The biggest perk is you know what you are getting. You know how big the cat will be, what personality the cat has, is it mellow or active – you can see exactly how it will fit into your lifestyle.

Don’t worry about a cat not growing up with your children. A well cared for cat can live for fifteen or more years, so even if you adopt a five year old cat, you still have many years with the same cat.

When you adopt a grown cat, make sure you find out any known history or issues with the cat, such as why it ended up in a shelter. Even if there were behavior problems, it is likely that a new environment and a little patience can correct them. It’s very possible the cat was acting out due to how it was treated. If it wouldn’t use a litter box, that doesn’t mean it can’t learn, it could just mean that the cat is even more finicky than most about how clean the box is. Cats will NOT use a dirty litter box, keep it scooped and you very likely won’t have any problems.

There are plenty of adult cats that would be great in any home but are overlooked because a kitten is so cute. The reality is adult cats are great pets for almost any lifestyle and will bond in a new home easily. It’s possible they will bond with your family even more quickly because you rescued them from the shelter.

It’s worth giving an adult cat strong consideration if you are looking for a pet for your family.

Deb Pelletier

Sunday 13th of March 2022

we have done both age groups and it always work out for us.

Dana Rodriguez

Friday 27th of March 2020

I love cats and have three of my own.. one is a kitten I found on the carport behind our grill.You bring up some great points!


Wednesday 22nd of January 2020

I plan to adopt soon. Thanks for sharing!

Mary Gardner

Wednesday 6th of November 2019

I agree that most people want kittens but I think adult cats, especially if they are already house trained can be a good choice and are less likely to be adopted by anyone else.


Sunday 12th of August 2018

When I got mine he was 10 months approx.

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