Furry friends are members of the family. You can love your pets and still hate the mess that is associated with them. Fortunately, there are ways to maintain a clean home while keeping your pets. Here are some solutions to have a fur free home.
Love Animals & Not Fur? 4 Steps to a Clean Home for Pet Owners
Select Pet Friendly Fabrics
Shag carpeting is probably not very practical if you have pets. Choose fabrics for your furniture and curtains that has the ability to be easily cleaned. Having pets means that there will be mess associated with them. Do something to minimize the amount of mess that is visible. Some fabrics are more pet resistant than others. Microfiber couches work better if you have cats. This type of fabric hides those occasional scratch marks. It is also easier to clean with minimal amount of effort. Select your color choices with your pets in mind. White is not a good choice if you are trying to hide stains. Choose darker colors. Consider having all of your fabric scotch guarded. This will make those accidents disappear with a little bit of cleaning.
Wash Pet Beds Frequently
Pet beds can be a source of fur. This is true if your pets spend a lot of time in their beds. You may find that there is more shedding during certain times of the year. Get into a routine when it comes to washing pet bed covers. You may even have to wash them more frequently during periods of heavy shedding. Fur is not the only thing that lingers on those pet beds. Odors can become trapped in the fabric. Washing them may remove many of the odors. Try treating the covers before you wash them with an odor removing spray. Many types of stain removers double as odor removers. There are also special pet sprays that remove the enzymes associated with these smells. Read the label before using them to make sure that they are safe for your pet. You may have to replace the beds occasionally if the odor refuses to be removed.
Invest in a Good Vacuum
Having a reliable vacuum is a must when you have pets. Even if you don’t have much carpet, you likely still have area rugs. Pet hair can become entangled in these carpeted areas. This makes it difficult to get it all out. A wet dry vacuum can prove to be beneficial in these cases. Then you can deal with those liquid pet messes as well. It is prudent to treat the affected area with a pet enzyme remover first. This way you won’t have any lingering odors that attract your pet back to the same spot. You can even use this type of vacuum on your hard surfaces. This will save you time when it comes to keeping your home clean. For removing stubborn hair, try rubbing a balloon over the surface and then vacuuming the carpet. The static causes the hair to come up to the surface.
Establish a Weekly Grooming Routine
Eliminate the fur at the source. Weekly baths and frequent brushings can cut down on the amount of fur loss. Regular grooming is another way to have less free floating fur. You may choose to take your pet to a groomer. You can also perform this task at home. Make sure to install a good drain guard when washing your pet in your bathtub. This will prevent pet hair from clogging your drain. It is more common to bathe your dog. Cats don’t need to be left out of the equation. Buy a good brush to help remove that excess cat fur. Long furred cats may even need some grooming done of their own. Mats can develop and leave chunks of fur all over your home. Having a grooming routine in place will allow you to control the amount of hair loss that is coming from your pets.
Having pets doesn’t mean that your home has to be full of fur. Try these tricks when it comes it getting your home clean.
Ruth Epstein
Friday 26th of January 2018
Great post and reminder for some, I vacuum daily, wash Layla's beds weekly and groom her daily , she is one pampered pooch plus I wash the floors thoroughly twice a week with apple cider vinegar
Donna Holder
Sunday 21st of January 2018
So cute
Renea G
Sunday 21st of January 2018
I love that rubbing a balloon suggestion. I've never thought of it but will definitely try it.
Linda Manns Linneman
Sunday 21st of January 2018
I love my dogs and cats but they do leave a furry mess. These are some great suggestions for keeping up on it. Thank you so much for sharing
Mary Gardner
Tuesday 16th of January 2018
These are great suggestions. I have to say that investing in a good vacuum was the best thing we have done for keeping the pet hair under control.