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Tucker’s Chicken Breast Jerky Dog Treats Review

We got a package of new jerky treats the other day! Chicken Jerky is one of our favorite treats! We feel mighty special when we get to have em. My Lady only lets us have the best kind of jerky treats and we get all excited when she says we’re havin’ jerky today! She sure found us some good ones this time from Mickey’s Pet Supplies.


Now all I know is that jerky was a makin’ my mouth water! My Lady could hardly get em open cause we were a jumpin’ and causin’ such a ruckus! We really were tryin’ to be patient, but that smell came a floatin’ by our noses and you’d think we hadn’t been fed all week! We had to wait on my Lady’s picture takin’, but we were anxious to scarf it down!

I’ll let my Lady tell ya all about em. When we get treats, she asked a lot of questions about em and they have to pass her inspection. She says it’s cause she loves us and wants us to have only the healthiest treats. I don’t know ’bout all that stuff. I’m just one of the taste testers and ready to do my job WOOF!

Here’s what my Lady had to say about Tucker’s Mighty Max’s Chicken Breast Jerky Dog Treats

Tuckers Mighty Max’s Chicken Breast Jerky Dog Treats are delicious semi-moist dog treats. You can literally see, and feel, the moistness of them. These chicken jerky treats even made my mouth water! That’s just how good they looked! Tucker’s chicken jerky treats are made from 100% natural USDA certified chicken breast. They are grain free, gluten free and have no by-products!

These jerky treats are hand made in Wisconsin by hand rolling and include no chemicals or preservatives. They simply include the wholesome ingredients of chicken and banana!


Going one step further to make sure they are served fresh and moist, each chicken treat filet is individually wrapped. They come packaged in a 5 oz. bag, which includes 6-7 individually wrapped filets per bag. After opening the bag, they will need to be refrigerated.

But wait! Tucker’s is also watching out for the health of our pets! They make their products in small batch sizes to ensure the upmost in quality and consistency. Then before shipping, samples are sent to an independent laboratory to be tested for E. coli and Salmonella. We can be assured that what we’re serving our pets is of the highest quality, healthy and delicious!

What’s not to love about Tucker’s Chicken Breast Jerky Dog Treats?!  They are made in the USA, gluten free, grain free, tested and packaged individually for freshness. They are winners in my book and Miss Molly and the pack LOVED them! I wanted to grab a picture of them with their chicken jerky treats, but that wasn’t happening. They snatched their treats and took off to enjoy them! I believe that means they really LOVED them!  Trouble is, the Tucker’s Chicken Breast Jerky Dog treats may have just spoiled them against all other jerky treats! I have a feeling they are going to be demanding Tucker’s from here on out!

If you would like to try Tucker’s Chicken Breast Jerky Dog Treats, you can find them at Mickey’s Pet Supplies. They also carry other treats, toys and pet supplies for dogs and cats!

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I was provided with the product above from Mickey’s Pet Supplies. No other compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions stated here are 100% my own.

Angela Saver

Saturday 5th of January 2019

I am interested in checking out Mickey's Pet Supplies for our puppy! I'm sure he will love the turkey jerky.

Casey Garvey

Tuesday 13th of March 2018

These loook tasty even for humans, lol.. Moist is a word I use to describe my food!


Friday 10th of November 2017

These jerky dog treats do look amazing, I can imagine a dog would really love these!

sue quackenbush

Tuesday 18th of April 2017

My dog loves to chew and I love the ingredients listed here. We are going to give them a try!


Monday 13th of February 2017

I think my dog stewie would love to try theses treats

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