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Useful Tips And Tricks For Settling In A New Home With Your Dog

Moving to a new city can be difficult and stressful, since it means saying goodbye to friends and family, finding a good job, and settling in at your new home. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that difficult. 

After all, moving is an opportunity for you to make your life better in any way that you want!

There are lots of things that you should do before you move, though.

If you have a dog, making sure that their needs are met and they’re taken care of is probably one of the most important tasks.

Here are some tips on how to create a smooth transition for yourself and your family with a dog of course.

Read on for some useful tips and tricks!

Useful Tips And Tricks For Settling In A New Home With Your Dog

1. Create A Spot For Your Dog

Just as you know from the very beginning which room is yours, so your dog should know what his place is in the house.

Transitioning as big as this one can be pretty stressful for your dog, and it’s a lot easier on both of you if he knows that there’s a safe space he can retreat to whenever he feels uneasy.

This will help your dog to get used to the idea of a new home quickly and will help him settle into his new surroundings. 

He might be most comfortable having his bed in the corner right away, but others might prefer a rug.

You can also get him a blanket that smells like his old home if that would be a comfort.

If your dog didn’t have a blanket before, you can get him a personalized one seen at

Imagine having a blanket with a picture of your dog all over it!

2. Make The House Dog-Proof

Even if your dog is perfectly well behaved, you should still make sure that the house is safe for him.

Things could go wrong no matter how good a dog owner you are, after all.

For example, it might be a good idea to put away any clothes that have small buttons or beads on them, just in case your dog decides that he wants to play with them.

There are also lots of plants that are poisonous to dogs, such as rhododendrons, oleander, and holly.

There are also ornaments that they could knock over or break, and of course, there’s the matter of keeping your dog away from any sharp objects like knives.

None of these things is hard for you to take care of on your own, but it does help if you do it before first moving in with your dog.

Boston Terrier snuggle into a dog bed

3. Train Him Right Away

It’s very unlikely that your dog knows what you want in your new home, and even if he does, this is a good opportunity to re-enforce everything.

Dogs can take months or even years to completely learn how to respond well when they’re told something.

Since you’ve just moved in together, it’ll be easier than ever for your dog to get used to learning new commands.

Think about it, have you ever gotten so caught up in unpacking that you forgot what you were supposed to be doing?

That’s how your dog will feel if he doesn’t have anything structured to do!

You can start by creating a routine as soon as possible.

Your dog will be happier and healthier if you do this, and it’ll also help him to feel more secure in his new home!

4. Go Out And Explore

When you move somewhere new, there’s a lot that you need to adapt to your new job, your new house, your new neighbors.

All of these things will take a lot of your time and effort, but keeping your dog from getting overly anxious is a top priority as well.

You can take a trip down to the local park or even just go around exploring the house itself!

Of course, it’s important to be careful while you’re doing this, especially if you have an indoor dog.

It’s important that you do everything so that your dog isn’t scared or overwhelmed with his new surroundings, though.

You’ll both be more comfortable if you do this instead of leaving him alone in the house all day long.

5. Be Prepared For The First Night

It could take anywhere from days, weeks, or even months for your dog to accept his new home.

Don’t worry if he doesn’t immediately feel at ease with being in a new place.

In fact, it’s more than likely that he’ll have some trouble getting used to this change or settling down on the first night you move in together.

It might be a good idea to let your dog sleep with you in your bed that night, just to make sure that he doesn’t feel abandoned or lost.

Another option is to get a room ready for him so that he’s got his own place where he can retreat if necessary.

Your dog will need time and patience from both of you in order to settle into your new home

Sad looking Boston Terrier

6. Make Sure That Your Dog Has Plenty Of Space For Exercise

The best thing would be if your new home has a backyard or a park nearby where you can take your dog for walks!

Even if it’s only an apartment, though, there are plenty of things that you can do to make sure that he gets enough exercise.

It’ll also help him to be less destructive and anxious in the long run.

Keep in mind, though, that it’s not enough to just let your dog out into your backyard for an hour or two.

You’ll need to work with him so that he understands what you want from him, and do the same to teach him good behavior.

7. Practice Potty Training

Potty training is applicable if you have an indoor dog.

Still, dogs are dogs, and it’s pretty likely that he’ll have an accident or two.

Be sure to clean up after your dog wherever possible so that they can learn what’s appropriate in their new home.

There are also some indoor dogs that won’t tell you when they need to go out, so it’ll be up to you to take them out on a regular basis.

Make sure to be consistent with your dog.

Tell him every time that he’s got to go outside, and praise him if he goes in the right spot, for example, with a treat.

Boston Terrier on a light gray couch

8. Be Careful With Chemicals

When moving into a new home, one of the first things you’re going to do is to clean the whole place from top to bottom, and that includes cleaning the furniture as well.

This is important because you want your home to be as clean as it can be before spending time there.

However, chemicals such as vinegar and bleach will be used during this process and since these chemicals are harmful to dogs it’s necessary to protect them from coming in contact with those substances.

Keep your dog off the floor during this time and keep windows open if you can.

If your dog does get in contact with chemicals, wash him immediately and take him to the vet.

9. Get Some Help

If you work from the office, your dog will probably have to be left alone for a good portion of the day.

This can be a really hard adjustment for a dog, especially because he’s going to have all this new space to play around in and there won’t always be someone home with him to engage with.

Be sure that you get some help from friends or family if possible so that your dog isn’t feeling lonely throughout the day.

If you’re all alone and you can’t find help, you should consider buying an indoor fence for your dog.

These are great because they allow your dog to be out in the house acting like any other pet, but he’ll still be safe when you’re at work because he’ll stay in one spot.

The best part is that these can easily fold up and be placed away so that you can have a normal house again when you get home.

Woman holding a Boston Terrier outside by the water

10. Be Patient And Loving

Dogs are sensitive animals, and they need your love and affection.

This is why it’s important to keep in mind that dogs are essentially living things, not machines.

If you’re not patient with them or you treat them harshly on a regular basis, they’ll become depressed or anxious, which can lead to all sorts of behavior problems. 

Make sure to give him plenty of hugs and cuddles, and most importantly, spend time with him so that he doesn’t become lonely.

Dogs are great companions and they deserve to be treated like royalty in their new home!

Settling in a new home can be tricky if you have a dog.

Luckily, though, there are plenty of things that you can do to make sure that both you and your pup are happy. 

It’s important to remember that dogs need patience and affection.

Also, make sure he gets enough exercise so that he doesn’t become anxious or destructive, keep chemicals away from him at all costs, get someone else to come by during the day if possible (or buy an indoor fence), give him lots of hugs and cuddles- these will go a long way towards making your furry friend happy in his new environment.

Jeanna Massman

Sunday 19th of December 2021

Thanks for the information. I’ll pass it along to my friend who is thinking about adopting a puppy.

Debbie P

Monday 13th of December 2021

This is excellent information.

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