Us pups are excited about spring cause we are ready for more outside play time. This past winter has been long and wet causing us to spend our time lazin’ ’round in the house. With 9 dogs and so much inside time, our house has kinda become a mess! It’s makin’ my Lady itch to get started on her spring cleaning. She says with inside pets, there are a few things you need to add to your cleaning list. I don’t know much about cleanin’ but I know she better have plenty of her Spot Shot® Pet for the carpet stains we have caused WOOF! I’m sure she does as she is never without it and I know she has some spring cleaning tips specifically for pet owners that she would like to share.
Along with her cleaning tips for pet owners, my Lady also has a useful Spring Cleaning Checklist and Calendar to help you plan your cleanin’ strategy. Since I don’t know much about this cleanin’ business, lemme me fetch my Lady to tell ya ’bout it WOOF!
Here’s my Lady to share some spring cleaning tips for pet owners!
While I love spring, it is almost dreaded because of the rain and pet messes it brings. It’s not just the rain. The rain creates mud which the pups proudly wear on their paws and coat to track across the floors. And, if you happen to have a dog that doesn’t like getting their feet wet and balks at going outside for their duties, you can be assured of urine accidents on the carpet. It is a daunting task sigh.
Nevertheless, spring is here and after the winter rain and snow, it has left the pets cooped up in the house most of the winter. Now, the house is looking a little (ok, very) tired and smelling musty. It is certainly in need of a good spring cleaning!
5 Spring Cleaning Tips Specifically for Pet Owners
Pet owners have cleaning issues that people without pets never think about. While we do most of these more often than spring cleaning it is worth including them in our spring cleaning routine for a totally clean and fresh home.
Dog and/or Cat Hair
Pet hair has a way of getting in every nook, crack, and cranny of your home! Seriously! From the ceiling fan to the lampshades down to hiding in the crevices of your couch to corners of the baseboards.
When doing your spring cleaning, start at the top of the room and work your way down. And, while we are at it, forget cleaning wands and dust rags for capturing pet hair. They have their place in our everyday cleaning routine but can spread hair around by making it airborne. For spring cleaning, a good vacuum with attachments and a HEPA filter is your best friend! Use the vacuum to remove as much hair as you can without spreading it around.
Remember to vacuum the crevices in the furniture, lamp shades, windowsills, blinds, baseboards – basically everywhere 🙂 If you have curtains or drapes, wash or clean those also as they are attractants for pet hair too!
Window Art
Our dogs are famous for their pawsome artistic nose art on the windows. They can paint a masterpiece in a day’s time! And if you are like me, I gave up fighting it long ago and only clean them every so often. Spring cleaning is one of those times.
To clean, use a mixture of 50% distilled white vinegar and water. If they are particularly stubborn and stuck on, you can wash with soap and water first and then use the vinegar solution to shine the window.
Wall Slobber and Boogers – yes, I said boogers 🙂
I surely cannot be the only one that has doggie “boogers and slobber” on the walls and door facings, am I? Why the dogs like to rub their noses on the walls I will never know but, the hallway in my home has a way of getting buildup from it. And, let’s talk about the door facings and around the door knobs. These two areas get a buildup from them nosing it to push through or wanting to go out.
The buildup is hard to tackle and the longer it is there, the more stubborn it is. I use soap and water with a little white vinegar added to it in addition to a lot of elbow grease. While other cleaners may make the work easier, I don’t want to use cleaners that have harmful chemicals where my dogs are putting their noses.
Mud Splattered Walls
Say what? Again, I ask, am I the only one with these kinds of problems? When it is raining and muddy outside and the dogs have to go do their potty business, it is near impossible to get them dry and clean before coming back into the house. For me, it never fails. After doing my best to clean and dry them, they come inside and then give a huge shake. What you thought was dry, was not! Their mighty shake leaves little mud splatters on the walls, furniture, or whatever they are close to EEK!
You should try to keep up as it happens to make the chore easier but especially during spring cleaning. Look at your walls, especially those by the outside doors. If you find these mysterious splattered spots, it is a simple fix. Simply use warm water or soapy warm water and a sponge/cloth to remove them.
Carpet Stains
After a long wet winter, you may (no, make that – you will) find your carpets have ground in mud stains. It is next to impossible to catch all of them as they happen. And, as usual with pets, they are prone to vomiting and accidents on the carpet. Why is it always on the carpet? And, what about that spot behind the furniture they snuck into to leave their surprise?
It’s ok and no biggie! You can make short work of the carpet stains with Spot Shot Pet Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator! Search each room and use Spot Shot Pet to eliminate any stains that you find.
What is Spot Shot Pet Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator?
Spot Shot Pet is a non-toxic aerosol that powers out tough pet stains and permanently removes even old stains and odors and prevents them from returning. It tackles tough stains like tracked in mud, vomit, urine, and feces! It’s dual-odor eliminators absorb and neutralize odors. Plus, its Anti-Resoiling agents protect carpet and keep stains from returning.
Spot Shot Pet is easy to use and there is NO SCRUBBING REQUIRED! You simply spray the stain, allow the product to sit a few minutes, and then blot up the residue with a clean dry cloth. Old stains may require a repeat application. You will also be happy to know that Spot Shot Pet is NON-TOXIC and SAFE FOR PETS, KIDS, and the ENVIRONMENT when used as directed!
Printable Spring Cleaning Checklist & Calendar
Whether you have pets or not, most of us like to give our whole home a good thorough cleaning in the spring. It makes it feel so much fresher and well – it is satisfying to know it is clean and organized. For that, we have a nifty printable Spring Cleaning Checklist AND Calendar to help you get it done. After all, no one said you had to do it all in one day 🙂
Print the Spring Cleaning Checklist and Spring Cleaning Calendar! It’s FREE and will help you get organized for your spring cleaning tasks!
Keep the spring cleaning tips for pet owners in mind when planning your spring cleaning strategy and for keeping your home clean and stain free! And, the next time you are out shopping, be sure to stock up on Spot Shot Pet! It will help you make quick work of all those pesky pet stains. You can find Spot Shot Pet Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator online and in stores like your local Walmart.
And, if you would love to learn more stain fighting tips, be sure and join the Stain Fighting Community on Facebook!
Wendy Rafferty
Wednesday 3rd of April 2019
Love the check list!
Carol Luciano
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
This post I'm passing on to my daughter & son in law. She was just mentioning she needed to find a spot & smell remover. I was excited to read this because it sounds like a product she can definitely use. Thank you.
Shelley P
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
Love the printables! Just doing some heavy Spring cleaning due to company coming to stay with us in a few weeks so this post is very helpful.
Terri S.
Monday 1st of April 2019
Thanks for the Spring Cleaning Checklist and Spring Cleaning Calendar Printables. I’m going to start this Saturday.
kimberly Zais
Monday 1st of April 2019
Great tips ! I have to give this a try!