Miss Molly Says and Mom Does Reviews are hosting this fun Giveaway hop and we hope you will join us! Giveaway hops are great ways to increase your traffic!
Please use #PetandPeopleFoodHop in your social shares!
This Blog Hop is for gift cards or Fun Food, Snack, Beverage Items for your pets or for your readers! You can giveaway anything you know your readers will like as long as it is worth $15 or more. Since this is a Pet or People Giveaway, you can choose prizes like treats, pet food, candy, chocolate, Restaurant Gift Cards- anything that fits the Pet and People Food theme!! Of course, everyone loves gift cards and CASH!
Because this is a blog hop, each blog will be responsible for securing their own prize on their own blog. Each prize must be a Minimum of $15. The Prize can be sponsored OR you can self sponsor. Each blog can have more than 1 winner, but each winner must win at least $15 in prizes. For example, you can giveaway a $15 Walmart GC or a prize valued at $15 or more. The giveaway must be for this hop only, it can’t be used as a group giveaway or for another hop.
HTML will be emailed 8/20
Just enter your blog name and email on the linky below.
Thursday 18th of August 2016
I was hoping to find an article not animal related. I look each day I stop by. I guess it's not happening.
April Monty
Monday 8th of August 2016
I have several friends that are bloggers ,I shared this great opportunity with them.
Monday 8th of August 2016
thank you so much!