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Can Mold in Your Home Make Your Dog Sick?

Having a dog is both a big and wonderful responsibility. Dogs provide so much love and companionship to their owners. In turn, you have to make sure that the home is safe for your precious pooch. For example, being aware of mold is critical as this mold in your home can make dogs seriously ill. Mold can even be fatal for dogs.

Can Mold in Your Home Make Your Dog Sick?

The Dangers of Mold

When you have dogs, opting for safe residential mold abatement services is necessary.

Mold can lead to respiratory issues in dogs.

For example, a dog might wheeze and otherwise struggle to breathe due to mold exposure.

Dogs could also have allergies to mold.

These pups experience inflammation and constantly scratch at their skin.

Dogs could also suffer from mold poisoning, which could lead to death.

Mold can be seriously dangerous to both people and dogs alike.

Eating Mold

Dogs could also accidentally eat mold.

Some pups may find the substance in the house and think that the mold is food.

Dogs can be naturally curious by nature.

Keep in mind that mold can also grow on food.

You might haphazardly give your dog a treat from the fridge without first checking for mold.

Eating mold can lead to serious digestive issues for your dog.

Black and tan Dachshund being examined by vet

Get to the Vet

If your dog has been exposed to mold or has eaten mold, you need to take your pup to the vet.

When you call the practice, let the vet know what happened.

Depending upon the nature of the situation, your vet may suggest that you come in immediately instead of waiting for an appointment.

If your dog eats mold or is experiencing symptoms of mold exposure when your regular practice is not open, call an emergency vet.

Can Mold in Your Home Make Your Dog Sick?

Schedule Professional Mold Removal

Trying to wipe away mold yourself is likely going to lead to short-term results only.

You have to hire a professional company to do the work.

Make sure that the professionals know that you have a dog.

Some treatment methods for mold removal may require that you take the dog out of the house for the day or that you both stay elsewhere overnight.

Mold in your home can absolutely make your dog sick.

In fact, mold exposure can even lead to death in dogs.

Knowing the signs of mold exposure or poisoning is critical, and you should talk to your vet if you have further concerns or questions.

Make sure to hire professionals to rid the house of mold for good.

Molli Taylor

Monday 1st of August 2022

i worry about mold becuase my house is so old!

Sarah L

Saturday 30th of July 2022

I'm glad I live in a dry climate. We don't get too much mold. I didn't realize how bad it is for dogs.

Debbie P

Saturday 30th of July 2022

Oh yes, if it can make you sick it can make your dog sick!

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