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CBD and How It Can Help Your Pet Dog

It’s very stressful to have your pet dog sick, and you have no idea what treatment to administer to it. You may spend all your time looking for the medicines for your furry friend.

Although there are many medicines available, it can be a daunting task identifying the right one for your dog.

That is because, just like in humans, not every medicine can treat any particular illness; there’s a specific medicine for a specific disease.

Additionally, there are many species of dogs. A treatment that’s working in a specific kind of dog may not work in another type.

Fortunately, CBD is one unique medicine that’s helping all kinds of dogs and is being utilized around the world.

There has not been formal research about the benefits of CBD on dogs.

However, dog owners across the globe have provided anecdotal evidence that there are many advantages of CBD to a dog’s health.

CBD and How It Can Help Your Pet Dog

What is CBD?

CBD is one of the Cannabinoids that are extracted from the species of the cannabis plant known as hemp.

This cannabinoid has little THC amounts, which is responsible for the high-feeling associated with marijuana usage.

Since CBD only has little to no traces of THC, it means that it doesn’t have psychoactive properties; it won’t get your pet high.

How Can CBD Help Your Pet Dog?

As mentioned, there’s no formal research on the effectiveness of CBD on dogs, yet.

Nevertheless, there’s one thing that scientists are sure about, that is, there’s an endocannabinoid system in every mammal that handles various processes, such as immunity, memory, sleep cycle, as well as other body functions.

The dogs’ endocannabinoid system interacts with the endocannabinoids released by the brain.

So, to supplement this endocannabinoid supply from the brain, one can externally amplify it.

For this reason, CBD is also useful in dogs. This means you can give reliable CBD products, like Holistapet CBD treats, to your dog without worrying about the side effects.

Benefits of CBD on Dogs

Although there are numerous ways in which CBD has proved to help dogs, below are the main advantages:

  • Anti-emetic: CBD is known to help control nausea and vomiting in dogs. Mostly, dogs may experience nausea when going through treatments, such as chemotherapy. In this case, CBD will come in handy.
  • Anti-inflammatory: CBD is good at evoking the immune responses. As a result, it can reduce inflammation.

Additionally, you can use CBD to reduce pain from bowel irritation, arthritis, and much more.

  • Anti-Convulsant: CBD helps restore the abnormal function of neurons, which usually causes tremors and seizures. CBD, then, is beneficial for your dog, especially when they’re having dog seizures.
  • Anti-anxiety: CBD helps reduce stress as well as various phobias. It targets serotonin receptors that help boost serotonin levels to handle any anxiety and fear in dogs.
  • Pain-Killer: CBD helps in the anandamide absorption, the natural pain killer. CDB causes increased levels of this natural pain killer in the blood, helping reduce the pain sensations.
  • Anti-cancer: Commonly, dogs experience malicious tumors. When that happens to your dog, it means that you have to take them to chemotherapy.

As stated above, this kind of treatment comes with different side effects, including nausea.

Since CBD also has some anti-cancerous properties, it can slow down the growth and development of a tumor.

In some instances, it can reduce its size.

CBD and How It Can Help Your Pet Dog

Other Possible Side Effects of CBD

Usually, medicines have side effects. Again, there’s no scientific information about the CBD side effects for dogs.

But, we can say, on the basis of how CBD affects people, there could be possible side effects on dogs as well.

The following three could be the main side effects:

  • Low-blood pressure: You dog can experience low blood pressure, temporarily, in case you administer CBD in high doses.
  • Dry mouth: CBD has been proven to decrease saliva production. So, your pet can show it with an increased urge for water or thirst.
  • Drowsiness: Since CBD is used to manage anxiety, its calming effect (particularly high doses) can lead to some drowsiness.

Final Thought

Many dog owners across the globe are using CBD to treat various illnesses affecting their pets.

CBD medicines show unique effectiveness in treating different problems affecting dogs compared to other medications, as well as numerous hours with a vet.

It’s good to remember that there are various types of CBD medicines, such as CBD oil for dogs.

That means you should choose wisely what you give to your dog.

Furthermore, these medicines may have adverse effects on your dog if administered in large doses.

Thus, it would help if you cared about the proper dosage you give to your dog.

Although there’s still no concrete information on what proportion of the dose is suitable, you should start with small amounts as you closely monitor the side effects.

It’s also advisable that you consult your vet first.


Saturday 5th of February 2022

I know about using CBD for humans but I have learnt much here about CBD for pets. Great and thanks a lot!

How Much Do You Know About Puppy CBD? - Miss Molly Says

Friday 24th of April 2020

[…] compound that produces the “high” effect that we most commonly associate with marijuana. CBD is safe to use on pets, as it is non-psychoactive. It’s even safe for lightweight puppies. Your new pup will not […]

Deborah D

Saturday 15th of February 2020

I would need more scientific information before giving my pet this.


Saturday 15th of February 2020

I honestly had never thought about using it for my dog. But I'm going to look into it for anxiety. He gets so stressed out when riding in the car.

Sara Tarver

Thursday 13th of February 2020

I never knew CBD had so many benefits for dogs as well! Cool!

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