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How to Battle Summer’s Unique and Tough Pet Stains #SpotShot


Us pups love summertime! We love playing and explorin’ outside. We love playin’ fetch and tug-o-war, chasin’ pesky squirrels and sometimes just lazin’ up under a shade tree. One of my favorite things is scratchin’ my back in the grass and, much to my Lady’s dismay, rollin’ in the dirt WOOF! My brother Ozzy loves playin’ in the mud puddles left from the thunderstorms. My Lady says he is like a kid that likes to jump in puddles. It has to be his favorite thing of all time. She has tried to make him stop but he does it anyway WOOF! And, if we get hot while playin’ outside, we can get a cool down by jumpin’ in our kiddie pool! At the end of the day and time to go inside, we are a dirty pack of pups WOOF! But hey, that just means we had fun, right? My Lady is always waitin’ at the door with towels to clean us up and her trusty Spot Shot® Pet Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator to clean up summer’s unique and tough pet stains!

How to Battle Summer's Unique and Tough Pet Stains #SpotShot

With 8 of us dogs to clean up and keep our home lookin’ spiffy, my Lady has her hands full. But, she has secret cleaning tips and what she calls her magic bullet to help her. Say what? Secrets and a magic bullet? That must be human speak cause as a dog I just don’t understand WOOF! I’m tired from my day of playin’ so lemme fetch my Lady to tell ya her summer cleanin’ tips and about her magic bullet!

Here’s my Lady to tell ya how to battle summer’s unique and tough pet stains.

When you have pets, it means there is always an abundance of messes and stains whatever season you are in. However, the summer months bring their own unique stains and messes for pet parents! The pups love to run, romp and play in the yard and the family loves enjoying fun barbecues and outdoor time. All of which is the perfect storm for carpet stains and messes inside your home. Let’s talk about our top 5 summer pet stains and how you can quickly clean them up!

How to Battle Summer's Unique and Tough Pet Stains #SpotShot

I’m tired and dirty, but it sure was fun gettin’ this way WOOF!

5 Tough Summer Stains for Pet Owners
& How to Battle Them

1. Thunderstorms and Mud

In our neck of the woods, thunderstorms happen frequently. They leave behind puddles of water and anywhere there was dirt, it quickly becomes a muddy mess. Of course, the dogs have to play in those exact spots or is that just my dogs? They come back to the door with mud from head to toe!

How to Battle Summer's Unique and Tough Pet Stains #SpotShot

Summer just wouldn’t be summer without a swimming pool for them to play in. They love jumping in their kiddie pool and cooling off! The problem comes when they get out of the pool and walk through the dirt. Whether the dogs have been playing in the puddles or taking a dip in the pool, it means ground in dirt and carpet stains.

2. Thunder and Holiday Fireworks Can Cause Anxiety and Urine Accidents

The same thunderstorms that created the muddy puddles the pups love to play in also causes them to go a little crazy with anxiety while they are happening. In addition to the storms, summer celebrations bring a whole new level to their anxiety with all the loud booms, bangs, and popping sounds! (We all know summer fireworks aren’t just limited to the Fourth of July.) All 8 of my pups react in some way to these loud noises. One likes to hide in the smallest place she can find, while another paces and pants, and yet another will become destructive if it goes on too long. Then, there is the one that gets so anxious she accidentally urinates wherever she is at. Needless to say, this leads to ugly urine carpet stains.

3. Grass and Dirt Must Taste Good but Leads to Tummy Upsets & Vomit Stains

There is something irresistible about grass that dogs love. I’m not sure which is worse, grass or dirt in the summer for creating carpet stains. At any given time, you can find one of the pups out munching on grass. Sometimes they eat a little grass and it isn’t an issue, but more often than not it is going to cause them to vomit. And, what is it with dogs eating dirt? I have 2 dogs that will literally eat dirt! Again, sometimes nothing happens but then other times it upsets their stomachs. Needless to say, it is not pretty when you have grass and dirt vomit on your pretty cream-colored carpet! It leaves a hideous vomit stain for you to have to clean!

4. Oozing Hot Spots and Icky Stains

Summer is an especially troubling time for dogs prone to hot spots. In the heat and humidity, an itchy spot can quickly grow in size and turn into an ugly oozing sore. My senior girl, Sallie, has suffered from hot spots her entire life especially in the summertime. It is a hard time for her and even worse time for the carpet. Everywhere she lays there is ‘ick’ from the oozing. Of course, I try to keep her on a blanket but more often than not, I look up to find her laying somewhere directly on the carpet. Not only is the ‘ick’ from hot spots unsanitary, it leaves big stains wherever she has lain.

How to Battle Summer's Unique and Tough Pet Stains #SpotShot

5. BBQ Stains are the Worst!

While barbecue is NOT something we feed our dogs, we jokingly call it a dog stain. Why? Because it never fails when having a fun summer BBQ get-together, the dogs cause an accident. With people dwelling around chatting while holding plates and drinks, along with so many dogs dwelling underfoot, it is inevitable that a plate gets dropped or knocked out of someone’s hand. Just imagine a plate of BBQ, baked beans, etc., planted upside down squarely in the middle of your nice carpet! YIKES! Barbecue sauce stains are one of the worst there is!

In addition, big Ozzy is a counter-surfer. Standing as tall as the counter, he can quickly grab and go. Unfortunately for him, he always gets caught but not before he has successfully stained up the carpet from where he dropped his new-found prize.

Spot Shot Pet Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator

How to Quickly Remove Tough Stains and Odor

With all the stains summer brings, you would think I would be stuck inside on hands and knees scrubbing, right? Not true! I keep BOTH Spot Shot Pet Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator AND Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain Remover in my arsenal of cleaning supplies! I call Spot Shot my magic bullet because it works on both NEW AND OLD stains AND they are super easy to use! Spot Shot allows me to quickly clean up and be able to enjoy Summer with the family!

When used as directed, Spot Shot is safe to use around children, pets, and the environment. It has a formula that penetrates deep into carpet fibers breaking the physical bond of stain particles and odor molecules from the carpet fibers and pad, allowing them to be easily blotted out of your carpet WITHOUT scrubbing!

How to Battle Summer's Unique and Tough Pet Stains #SpotShot

Are Stains Ruining Your Summer?

Instead of being stuck inside cleaning, get back to enjoying the summer fun with the family by adding the magic bullet of Spot Shot to your cleaning arsenal! Spot Shot Pet Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator and Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain Remover can be found online and in stores nationwide like Walmart. To find a store near you, or online, you can use their handy “where to buy tool“. You can also grab a coupon to get $1 off Spot Shot!

Spot Shot Pet Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator AND Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain Remover

For all your household stains, I recommend following the Stain Fighting Community on Facebook. They offer all the latest cleaning tips and tricks to keep your home looking spotless!


rochelle haynes

Sunday 7th of October 2018

This looks like it works great

Christina Gould

Thursday 4th of October 2018

I've tried the regular Spot Shot, but I've never tried the pet version. I'll have to pick some up next time I'm at the store. Thanks for posting!

Sonya Cocherell

Tuesday 2nd of October 2018

Oh, my 3 doggies bring in the mud and they like to ground it in. I'm going to check this out to see if it works.

monique s

Monday 1st of October 2018

I have tried spot shot and it is great. It really gets rid of stains quickly and easily

Rebecca W

Friday 28th of September 2018

We have a new puppy that we are potty training. It is good to know of a good spot remover that actually works.

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