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How to Keep Your Pet Healthy Through the Peak of Summer Heat

Throughout the warmest months of the year, everyone must be extremely careful with their pets.

Taking a few preventative steps will greatly reduce your pet’s risk of heat exhaustion, dehydration, burns, and a variety of other issues that are frighteningly common during the summer.

How to Keep Your Pet Healthy Through the Peak of Summer Heat

Invest in Dog Boots

When the sun is directly overhead, the pavement can easily reach 145 degrees Fahrenheit, and that could burn your dog’s paws in a matter of seconds.

The best way to avoid those burns is to walk your dog early in the morning or a few hours after the sun has gone down.

If you must walk your dog during the day, then you should invest in a set of dog boots.

Regularly Refill Their Water Bowls

While every breed has slightly different needs, most dogs require at least 40 or 50 ounces of water per day.

During heat waves, your dog might need as much as 75 ounces of water per day in order to stay hydrated.

That is why you should make sure that their bowl remains topped off at all times.

You must also keep an eye out for common signs of dehydration such as lethargy, sticky gums, or a dry nose.

Make Sure That Your AC Is Working Properly

Even when you are at work or running errands, you still need to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

The temperature inside your home could skyrocket within minutes if the air conditioner isn’t on, and that will be very dangerous for your dog.

To improve your air conditioner’s efficiency, you should have it serviced by a company like Arizona Refrigeration Service Inc at least once a year.

You must also replace the outdoor condenser every 10 to 15 years.

Keep Them Well-Groomed

Most pets will naturally shed as soon as the weather starts to warm up, but some animals won’t lose any fur if they are inside a cool home for most of the day.

That is why you should have your pet groomed well before the first heat wave of the year.

During those appointments, groomers can remove clumps of fur and untangle the undercoat.

They will also trim the claws so that they don’t crack on hard surfaces.

In addition to these few tips, you might also want to speak with your veterinarian about snake bite vaccines.

Those shots could save your dog’s life if you live in an area that has rattlesnakes.

Angela Saver

Friday 21st of June 2019

Great tips! We always get our dog groomed & have his coat thinned out so he's not so hot during the summer months.

Debbie P

Friday 21st of June 2019

Thanks for the article and the great information.

LeAnn Harbert

Thursday 20th of June 2019

These are all good suggestions to keep in mind.

Christina Gould

Thursday 20th of June 2019

I don't know how our dogs can stand it with all that fur. Thanks for the great tips!

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