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How To Use CBD Oil For Cats With Arthritis

If you’re in the market for some information on how to use CBD for cats, you’re most likely looking for answers to your questions that can help you understand more about this wonderful plant and its compound. There are many different ways in which you can use CBD for cats, and one of the most useful means is through the use of supplements. Check this site out and others like it for more information on available products, what they can do for your cat, and where to find them.

How To Use CBD Oil For Cats With Arthritis

Why You Should Use CBD Oil

There are plenty of products on the market today that claim to help your pets when they’re in pain or are experiencing discomfort. While the use of CBD in cats is not yet fully understood, the more research that is done shows that there are several signs that point to potential health benefits. CBD oil may help with its anti-anxiety and anti-fever properties, and has significant anti-inflammatory properties, which may also aid in various conditions. CBD has also received much attention as a potentially powerful, natural pain reliever, which may benefit your feline friend with their arthritic problems.

So, the question remains, “What is the safest way to use CBD for cats?” Studies have shown that perhaps the most reliable way to use this supplement for cats is by using CBD oil. The oil form can offer the easiest dosage administration and will enter the bloodstream of your cat the fastest through the cell walls of its mouth.

As many of these products contain ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, proteins, and herbs, these all-natural products are the best way to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth when using these oils for your cat. They’re also known to be safer than using a prescription and may provide the benefits of being organic as well. Regardless of whatever supplement you’re using for your cat, whether in the form of oil or treats, you may find that it will help your cat feel relief and give them a better quality of life overall.

A CBD supplement regimen may be helpful to get your feline friend some relief. Let’s take a look at how they may benefit.

Adding CBD Oil to cat food

How CBD Oil Can Help Your Cat

When your cat suffers from arthritis, there are two types of CBD oil that may be used to help relieve its symptoms. One is in a pill form to be ingested, and the other is an oil that’s applied directly to the cat’s skin. Both have the potential to provide relief from the pain, but depending on your cat, one way may prove to be more effective than the other. 

Ingesting the oil may be the easiest and more direct way of introducing CBD to your cat’s system, considering its cell walls are thinnest in the mouth. This means the compound will reach the bloodstream faster and may cause more immediate alleviation. Rubbing the oil on your feline’s fur and skin is more topical, and will also take a bit of time to fully incorporate it into its body. However, the possible feelings of relief will kick in sooner for the particular aching joints and limbs. The choice is up to you and your cat.

To manage the pain, it’s recommended that a CBD supplement regimen is implemented. Since these may be effective in relieving your cat’s arthritis symptoms, it’s easy to see why they’re becoming very popular among pet owners. If you’re interested in finding a way to treat your cat’s arthritis without the risks and costs associated with using prescription medications, you should give this form of treatment a try.

Proper Dosage For Your Cat

As with all supplements and drugs for your animal, it’s vital to know the proper dosage for the maximum health benefits. Depending on your cat, it has been suggested that a dose of 2-4 milligrams of CBD per 10 pounds of your cat’s weight is appropriate. However, it will take some trial and error to find which amount works best, as no two cats are the same. One primary concern is that you can’t use the product if your cat is pregnant or nursing. It’s also important to incorporate the supplement slowly into your cat’s regimen to see if it’s suitable for your particular cat, or if it’s appropriate for your cat’s age.

Giving cat CBD oil with dropper

Do Your Research

You will find that it can take a few weeks before your cat starts to see the full potential benefits from the CBD oil, so be patient with it. It’s also possible that your vet may suggest that your cat should take painkillers depending on the extent of pain being felt by your feline friend. This is entirely your choice when it comes to what’s best for your cat. However, if you can manage to keep your cat’s pain under control with the CBD supplements and not use painkillers, it may be much easier to deal with.

With all the options that are available for how to use CBD for cats, it’s a good idea to do your research and find out what different forms of treatment are available. This way, you can be sure that you’re not making any costly mistakes when it comes to treating your cat. Using CBD oil is just one of the many ways that may help your feline friend feel better, alleviate some of their pain, and allow them to live a happier life.

Orange cat laying on white sheets


Cats with arthritis are likely to experience more inflammation as they age, so the more effective the treatment plan is, the better. Many of the more effective topical and dietary supplement plans for arthritis in cats include natural compounds such as catnip and Valerian. In order to get a better idea of the effectiveness of the various CBD products that are available, a visit to your vet’s office is strongly recommended. In this case, consider the well-being of your feline friend by becoming more knowledgeable about how CBD may be able to help their condition.

Elly H.

Tuesday 15th of March 2022

I've thought about CBD products for myself and my cat we both seem to feel that it's alright.

Beryl Hartman

Tuesday 18th of January 2022

my 14 year old ragdoll male cat is suffering from arthritis in joints of his back legs. i do not want to put him on to NSAIDs as it can and does have adverse effects on the renal system. I have read that CBS oil may be used on felines for this purpose, my vet. is not receptive to any suggestions related to cannabis products,have you any advice on this subject, thank you. Beryl Hartman.


Tuesday 18th of January 2022

It is my experience that some vets are and some are not. I believe in the end, you should research and then research some more. I will say that NSAIDs (certain kinds) can offer the relief that is needed. And, when used properly, they are relatively safe. You have to judge one against the other, unfortunately :(

alexis andersen

Thursday 30th of December 2021

Fantastic article! Very informative and very thorough. Consumers need more posts like this, as it can be overwhelming to find the best CBD pet products for them. Your tips were spot on and very much appreciated. Thanks for sharing!

Monica McConnell

Friday 1st of January 2021

I never thought to use it for this but i should have bc it has so many great benifits

Dana Rodriguez

Monday 30th of November 2020

Interesting. I think my senior could benefit from this!

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