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Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

This post is sponsored by Nature’s Recipe on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Nature’s Recipe For Moments on behalf of Nature’s Recipe, but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. Nature’s Recipe is not responsible for the content of this article.

While there are seven of us pups here, we each get some special time with my Lady. Some days it’s more than others, but that’s alright by us. After all she’s still with us everyday. But, we sure do love when it’s our turn to soak up some of that one-on-one with her. Today, I want to let my Lady tell ya what my sister Maggie and her do on their alone time. Maggie is a BIG momma’s girl! She only has eyes for my Lady! I’ve got to hand it to Maggie though. She’s a smart cookie! Even I’m right proud of her and all that she is learnin’!

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

I’ll let my Lady do the tellin’ about her and Maggie’s special time

Molly is right about the time schedule here. With seven dogs and all needing some individual attention, some days it’s hard to fit it all in. I love each one of them equally and we each have a special bond. Each one has their own way they like to spend our time together. While a couple of them LOVE their tennis balls and playing fetch, others would rather chase a stick. One of them just wants to walk and maybe get a really good belly rub without the interruption of the others. But, Molly has Maggie figured out! Maggie is a really smart girl and seems to have a need to learn new things.

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

Besides Sallie, our senior girl, Maggie is the oldest of the rest of the pack at age three. We figured out fast it didn’t take her long to catch on to things. She loves learning. She gets bored with the same thing really quick and is ready to move on to something else. During our special time with just her and me, we find new games or things for her to learn. She thrives on it! Just as you can tell when she is bored with something, you can tell she is anxious to learn something new by the excited look in her eyes.

During our time together this past week, we have started working on a new game for her. It’s totally made up by us, but she loves it just the same. We’re putting her smart German Shepherd nose and those keen eyes to work!

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

When it’s her turn for one-on-one time, we head out the door. She doesn’t waste anytime heading to her favorite spot. She loves to start out on top of the mound of the storm cellar. It’s the high spot in the yard. She stands and looks around for a moment, waiting on me to catch up.

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

She has to look in all directions, making sure everything is still the same. Most importantly, she has to make sure there aren’t any squirrels to chase away! Then, she’s ready to get down to business.

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

Our new game is for me to throw a dog biscuit and her go find it. That’s a pretty tall order with the amount of leaves we have on the ground! She watches intently as it’s flying through the air.

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

She keeps watching until the biscuit lands. She then waits for me to tell her to go find it.

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

And, she’s off! She goes on her search and find mission!

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

She circles and sniffs until she finds it! Of course the biscuit is quickly gobbled down! Maybe our next trick will be to bring it to me first and then she gets to eat it! Then, maybe we can move on to actually hiding it in an area without throwing it. Who knows? She has the ability to learn great things, if only I can keep up with them!

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

After her allotment of treats for the outing, she comes and sits by my side for a little love and talking. We sit and talk, listening to the peaceful outside sounds of living in the country. Besides being amazingly smart, Maggie is a really good listener. She is a sounding board for all the random thoughts in my head. I’ll spill my troubles and she lets me talk, listening intently. She seems to sense I need a hug and will lean into me, looking at me with me with those wise all knowing eyes. She seems to be willing me to believe everything will work out. In that moment, whatever troubles I may have seem to fade away with her confidence in that it will all work out. It’s a special human animal bond that comes from true unconditional love and trust.

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

After our talking and sharing is over, she is ready and asking to play with her brothers and sisters. Who can resist that face? So, we’re off to let the rest of the pack out so they can have some wrestle and romp time.

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

Sallie isn’t into wrestling much anymore, Seager goes off to explore the other end of the yard and Little Bit is to little to play with the big dogs. But, the pups and Miss Molly join Maggie in a playful romp. They play, chase, run and wrestle.  When I call time, Maggie is all smiles as she heads back for an afternoon nap to rest up a bit. I love the look of happy contentment on her face!

For today, Maggie’s search and find mission was a success. She assured me my troubles will work out. Life is good!

Maggie Enjoying Life #RecipeForMoments

Our story is a part of the #RecipeForMoments blog hop hosted by BlogPaws.

Lily Kwan

Thursday 3rd of December 2020

Maggie is very cute. Thanks for sharing!

Dogs N Pawz

Sunday 16th of February 2014

Maggie is beautiful! I enjoyed reading about Maggie and the game you play with her. I'm going to try that with my dogs. I don't think I would be able to get them to bring the bone back to me before they ate it though!


Sunday 16th of February 2014

LOL! I'm not sure I'm going to be very successful on that one either. Right now, she gobbles it down when she finds it. But, it's something to shoot for :)

Rhonda K

Saturday 15th of February 2014

I love reading your stories! You are an amazing woman with some very amazing and beautiful dogs!


Saturday 15th of February 2014

Thank you so much Rhonda! I appreciate your kind words.

Momma to 1

Saturday 15th of February 2014

All of your dogs are beauties... even funny Molly... but Maggie really is the queen! Gorgeous girl.


Saturday 15th of February 2014

Thank you so much! Molly is a character LOL. Maggie is definitely the pretty girl of the bunch!

Rene, Jim, Wyatt Ray & Spirit Jerry

Saturday 15th of February 2014

Oh. My. Dog. I have such a soft spot for GSDs and now I'm completely in love with Maggie. Such a smart, pretty girl. What a treasure! A recipe for many moments indeed!


Saturday 15th of February 2014

Thank you so very much! She is a sweetie and yes, I have a lot of recipes for special moments with her!

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