When you think about investing in new flooring for your home, you understandably may think about the options that are most affordable for your budget. You may also consider the overall look or style of various options and how easy it may be to keep the different materials clean. One factor that many pet owners overlook is how their flooring choices affect their furry friends.
After you learn more about how some common flooring options could potentially affect your pets, you may be able to make a smart decision that promotes their well-being.

Potential Allergies
Carpeting can easily become saturated with allergens over time and with regular wear.
Despite regular vacuuming efforts, dust, dirt, bacteria, and other elements may cling to carpet fibers.
Pets spend their days sitting or lying on carpeting, and this means that their skin is constantly exposed to these allergens.
Therefore, carpet may not be ideal if your pets have skin allergies.
Pet Accidents
Pet accidents, as well as the occasional upset stomach, can happen from time to time.
It is not reasonable to own a pet and think that accidents will not occur.
Carpeting can be difficult to remove all remnants of stains fully.
Hardwoods may be easier to clean, but the moisture from accidents can cause warping and damage.
Furthermore, if pets smell their own elements on the floor, some may be more likely to urinate in the same spot in the future.
It may be worth talking to flooring professionals like those at Monterrey Tile Company to see if they have suggestions or advice when it comes to pets as well.
Slipping and Sliding
Some flooring surfaces, such as stained concrete, may be very smooth.
This can make it difficult for pets to walk on, and this is particularly true if you have older pets who already have mobility issues.
While carpeting may prevent slipping and sliding, you can see that it has other concerns that make it less ideal for homeowners who have pets.
The best type of flooring may be a hard floor surface that is textured, such as some types of tile.
While you may not think about the impact that your flooring choice may have on your pets, you can see that it can play a major role in their comfort and health in the years to come.
Thinking about how their flooring choices affect your furry friends, carefully analyze your top options with your pets in mind.
Then, make a choice that will promote their health and well-being.
Mary Gardner
Thursday 6th of January 2022
We will be replacing floors in the next year and this was a great help in things to consider before purchasing.
Friday 10th of November 2017
Great guide! We ended tearing out our carpeting and putting in tile in most of the rooms of our house earlier this year because of numerous pet issues with the carpets. My husband doesn't love cold tile, but the strategic use of cheap area rugs that can be easily cleaned or replaced if something happens to them has been the perfect compromise.
rochelle haynes
Wednesday 8th of November 2017
This is nice to know thanks