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Questions to Consider before Adopting a Cat

When I was a young pup, I used to love chasin’ cats. As I git older, I’ve found that they’re good to have around, specially if ya got varmints gettin’ into everything. Cats and dogs got four legs and are furry but that’s bout where the similarities end. Dogs are way better, everyone knows that WOOF, but not every home is right for a dog and those are the humanz that can think about cats. If ya wanna know if that’s you, here are some things to think about. Ya can’t just go off half cocked about this stuff, ya gotta think about it an make a plan. Shelters are full of cats and dogs cuz no one realized that cute li’l kitty was gonna be a cat real fast like. Lemme get my Lady to tell ya a few questions to consider before adopting a cat.

Questions to Consider before Adopting a Cat

Questions to consider before adopting a cat

Will it make me happy long term?

This is the big picture question, especially if you’ve recently lost a pet or had a big lifestyle change like moving, ending a relationship or starting a new job. Is this something that you will still enjoy once the new wears off? Are you willing to commit to the emotional investment in an animal? What benefits will you and the pet receive?

How will it change my lifestyle?

Do you travel a lot, either for work or recreation? If you do, do you have someone that can care for the cat while you’re away or are you planning on taking it with you?

Cats are generally lower maintenance than dogs in terms of this, but extended absences will still require planning. Do you have children or are you planning to? Will you still be able to care for your cat? Are you willing to work with both children and the cat during the adjustment phase?

Are you REALLY ready?

Can you provide financially for your cat? This is more than just cat food, vet bills for immunizations, spay/neutering or any accident or cat illness. It also means having a stable environment. If you rent, is your landlord OK with a cat? Do you have a place for the litter box that’s easily accessible?

All of these questions matter and if you think you’re ready, then spend some time with the cat before you take it home. Have everyone in your home be around the cat in case of an unknown allergy. Do it a few times, sometimes it takes repeated exposures to manifest. If one cat does cause a reaction, try others, not all cats have the same allergens, another might be ok.

Make sure everyone in the home is OK with the responsibility. Make sure no one is afraid of the cat. Also know that cats are unlike dogs. They will seek out your attention when they want it and will actively discourage you when they don’t. Don’t think that just because you want to pet the cat, it’s going to want to be held.

Cats are much more independent than dogs in other ways. Give them a few play toys, food and water and a clean litter box and they won’t require much from you. If you don’t provide those things, don’t be surprised when your cat lets you know, in ways that can be unpleasant. If you think a cat is for you and you can provide a good home with love, you might be ready to adopt a cat.



Debbie P

Tuesday 23rd of June 2020

Great article and important info.


Monday 27th of August 2018

Definitely brings me back to when I first adopted my cat, had to consider all these! I'm doing well

Thomas Gibson

Thursday 1st of June 2017

Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. People have the idea that cats are self maintained and cats don't get quite the attention as dogs which is unfortunate.

Jay Jackson

Tuesday 23rd of May 2017

Thanks for the article, great information on adoption.

Jay Jackson

Tuesday 2nd of May 2017

Thanks for the article, it was very useful.

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