Whether you have a dog, cat, iguana or other animal, your pet adds so much to our lives. Taking the time to keep your pet healthy is time well invested.
After all, you are their family and family takes care of each other.
The following tips will help improve the quality of your pet’s life.
Healthy Weight
As is the case for their human companions, your pet will be much happier at a healthy weight.
A healthy weight will help lower their risk of diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, and arthritis and will increase your pet’s life expectancy by at least two years.
Good Pet Food
Proper nutrition will give your pet the energy needed to thrive and the fuel needed to grow strong, and healthy and avoid many chronic diseases such as diabetes or cancer.
Always consult your veterinarian when selecting a balanced, nutritious diet for your pet.
Fitness for Fido
A fitness walk or other play session is the perfect opportunity to do just that.
For a dog, a walk outside provides valuable time with you, strengthening exercise for bones and muscles, and mental stimulation from all of the different smells and sights in the neighborhood.
Cats reap similar benefits.
Since they typically are not outside, try keeping cat play time interesting by varying location, speed, and types of toys used to exercise your cat’s natural hunter tendencies.
Make Your Pet Pest-Free
One part of the great outdoors you don’t want to bring home is pests.
Fleas and ticks are much more than a nuisance.
They carry diseases that can make your pet and you very sick with conditions such as Lyme disease.
Frequently comb through your pet’s fur to find fleas with a flea comb.
You should also be on the alert for a fever or scabs, which are classic signs of ticks.
Some companies, like Midwest Pest Control, offer pest control in Broken Arrow and other areas of the Midwest.
While a variety of preparations are available from your veterinarian to control fleas and ticks on your pet, one of the best things you can do is have a pest control service remove them from your home, making it safer for you and your pets.
Vaccines Save Lives
For pets and their human companions, vaccines save lives.
Several fatal cat and dog diseases can now be prevented with vaccines.
The American Veterinary Medical Association has detailed vaccination information for dogs and for cats on its website.
No matter what type of pet you have or its age, these tips are meant to support the advice of your pet’s veterinarian.
Wednesday 20th of December 2017
Great tips, some apply to cats too
Sunday 28th of August 2016
I like to walk my dog because it gets me outside and exercising so benefits for both of us.
Sandy Weinstein
Tuesday 23rd of August 2016
i try to feed the best food i can for my 3 gals, they get organic, no by products, no grain, raw venison, fresh veggies, probiotics goats milk, and lots of supplements. i give them massages several times a week, and they get daily exercise and have lots of toys.
Karen Propes
Saturday 20th of August 2016
Thank you for your tips, we do everything on your list, but recently with the heat, it been hard to get him to exercise. He goes out and does his business and cries to go back in the house. We do our best to play chase in the house, but it isn’t the same. We take advantage of the early morning, but the late evening it never gets cool. I can hardly wait till autumn, he needs his exercise to keep his weight down and to rest better at night. He’s a dachshund and very stubborn and wants things his way. He’s a rescue so we just go with the flow.
Daniel Scott
Sunday 14th of August 2016
Also knowing if company causes stress for your pet. If so let them have their space and tell company that they are resting.