Having a pet in the city can be a lot of fun for both a new pet and its owner. There are tons of places to explore, sites to see, and people and other pets to meet. Some cities are more pet-friendly than others, but almost all have areas where pets are welcome or specifically made for them, like dog parks. Pets certainly can enhance your life in the city so be sure to keep them safe. Here are some pet safety tips to follow for urban dwellers and their furry friends.
Heights and Pet-safe Apartments
A pet is like a small child, curious and inquisitive, so be sure to keep doors and cabinets secure.
Dogs and even cats can push open a door or window you think is fully closed and can intentionally or accidentally push their way through a screen resulting in a fall from what could be a very dangerous height.
Also, be sure to keep items like household cleaners that could be poisonous locked away or out of reach.
Cats and dogs are smart, but they can’t read labels.
Keep their Feet Clean, Warm, and Dry (or Cool)
Being attentive to your pet’s paws will keep you alert to a small handful of safety topics.
First, city streets and sidewalks are hot in the summer; if your pet is small, pick them up in the summer when you’re on the pavement.
If they’re not so small, try a set of boots to protect those toes.
Second, during winter precipitation, streets and sidewalks can be treated with salt and other harsh chemicals.
Boots can work here, too, but you can also clean your dog or cat’s feet with warm water or a warm cloth to get them back up to indoor temp and get rid of any harmful substances.
Make Friends, but don’t be too Friendly
Introducing your pet to others is a great way for you both to make new friends.
However, stray cats and dogs, and even wild animals also inhabit cities.
If you see one, steer clear.
There’s no need for you to play a pet detective and get you and your furry friend into a possibly dangerous situation.
Like you would a child, be wary of where your pets are at all times.
If you are out of the apartment most of the day, consider installing a security system with cameras that will allow you to keep an eye on what they do when you’re not around.
ADT security system panel tips and tricks here can help you get more setup as well.
This will help you pet-proof your home even further with the intel you gather.
Wednesday 12th of September 2018
Don't have many other stray cats, just 1 or two in the neighborhood that visit. My cat is indoors. Lots of raccoons outside though
Sandra Watts
Friday 14th of April 2017
We live in the country so there is lots of room to run. Lots of room to play and have fun.
April Monty
Friday 14th of April 2017
I'm looking yo get a dog and we are in a big city area these tips are great
Linda Szymoniak
Friday 14th of April 2017
Since I've always lived in the suburbs, I haven't had to deal with many of these things. However, as I'm involved in animal rescue and even had my own rescue for a while, I did have to deal with several adoptions for dogs who would be living in Chicago. If you're not used to living in a big city, it can be hard to know what changes you need to make with regard to your dog(s) and/or cat(s). The same is true in reverse, and I've found that some long-time city dwellers who move to the suburbs think that just because they have a big yard, they can just let their pets run loose. Many of the safety rules for the big city actually do translate over to the suburbs - or even rural areas. Thanks for posting this. It's a good thing to share with anyone moving to the city with pets or already living in the city and adopting a dog or cat for the first time.
Kimberly Flickinger
Thursday 13th of April 2017
These are great pet safety tips. I love the picture of the dog you used in this post, his/her eyes are so pretty!