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4 Ways to Keep Your Dogs Happy and Healthy this Summer

At long last, the summer season has arrived. Your dog is likely just as eager to get outside as you are.

Before you start playing a game of fetch, however, you should consider a few different aspects on how to keep your dog happy and healthy during the summer season.

Here are four tips to help keep your furry friends in tiptop shape in the heat.

4 Ways to Keep Your Dogs Happy and Healthy this Summer

Stay off Pavement

Many pet owners don’t realize that the sidewalk and roadways can become incredibly hot in the summer.

While they may think that their dog’s paws are tough enough to deal with those hot temperatures, they’re actually not.

When you walk your dog, you wear shoes to protect your feet from the heat.

Dogs aren’t always so lucky.

Hot asphalt and cement can seriously harm your dog’s paws.

If the temperatures outside are hot, then you should either give your dog some protective footwear or just stick to grassy areas.

If you’re unsure, think about what your own feet would feel like standing on that cement or asphalt for several minutes without protection.

If you can’t handle it, neither can your dog.

Brown dog swimming

Hang out on the Water

If your dog loves the water, then you can find a nearby beach to take them.

They can stay cool by jumping in the water, and you can have a lot of fun with them by playing frisbee or fetch.

For those dogs that don’t love the water all that much, you can still show them a good time on the water.

Simply rent a canoe or boat and hop in.

They can enjoy the cool breeze running over the surface of the water, and you can as well.

However, you need to keep safety in mind.

Active dachshund dog in specialized sunglasses for pets with polarizing lenses and life jacket is on stiffest durable inflatable stand up paddle board in sea or ocean.

Make sure you put a properly fit life jacket on you pup.

Many dogs are talented swimmers but not every dog is so inclined.

Even if they are, a life jacket is a good safety measure to check off your list.

Swimming is tiring work and a floatation device can help them have fun in the water without the risk of drowning.

Dog drinking from portable water bowl

Bring Small Water Dish

For those who spend a lot of time outside in the summer, you likely drink a lot of water.

Hydration is important—even for pets!

Your dog needs just as much water, if not more.

Dogs tend to run around a little more than you might think.

Frequent water breaks and keeping water available are great ways to make sure your pet doesn’t get dehydrated.

Bring a small water dish that you can fill with your water bottle or from a water fountain.

Many retailers sell collapsible water bowls to make this even easier for pet owners.

Large white dog coming out of the water with an orange frisbee

Keep Them Cool

While you may be feeling quite hot under the sun, you can be sure that your dog is even hotter.

That fur can be a great help during the chilly winter months, but when it comes to the summer, it can make them incredibly hot.

You can help them stay cool by making sure that the inside of your home is a comfortable and cool temperature.

Have you take care of any A/C repair or replacement needs so nothing breaks or malfunctions, especially while you are away.

Having a cool temperature in the home will help them cool off and reduce the risk of overheating.

Summer is a great time for dog owners.

You and your pups can have plenty of fun while staying cool and healthy.

If you’re unsure where to start, try out these four methods to keep your dogs safe and happy during the warmer weather.

Avoiding Common Summer Dangers for Pets - Miss Molly Says

Wednesday 5th of August 2020

[…] to walk your dog. Bring lots of cool water and some ice cubes with you to keep your dog hydrated. Don’t let your dog walk on the pavement. This could cause big problems for the pads of his feet in the form of burns and […]


Saturday 6th of April 2019

The dog in the picture looks nice and cool!


Friday 5th of April 2019

Good info about dogs during the summer!

Dana Rodriguez

Friday 5th of April 2019

These are great tips. I so agree about staying off pavement. If it burns your feet it will burn your pet's feet!

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