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Dog Gone Dirt | Protect and Heal Dog Salve

Dog Gone Dirt, Protect and Heal Dog Salve, dog salve

I know I am a redneck girl at heart, but I’ve got some issues with my paws! I’m not much into the manicures, but my pads are like sandpaper. Truth be know, all of ours are! My sister Maggie even has a problem with hers cracking open sometimes. When it happens, it makes her walk with a limp. Well, my Lady found us some Protect and Heal Dog Salve from Dog Gone Dirt to help moisten ’em up a bit! I guess it’s kind of like lotion for you human folk. I’ll let my Lady tell ya all about it…

Here’s my Lady’s thoughts on the Dog Gone Dirt Protect and Heal Dog Salve:

All of all our furbabies have paws that feel like sandpaper! They are really rough! But, Maggie has a problem of hers getting so dry they crack open. When this happens, she will walk with a limp. I really do understand the feeling. if you have ever had rough dry hands or cuticles and they crack open, it hurts! Plus, she is a German Shepherd and has hair between her toes that collects snow and ice. It seems to stick there making the problem even worse.

I found the Protect and Heal Dog Salve from Dog Gone Dirt and wanted to see if it would help with the problem. I rubbed it into their paws really good. They didn’t seem to mind the foot massage. Let’s just say everyone except Sallie, and she is the one that doesn’t want her feet bothered at all. I have to say, the biggest problem is keeping it on their paws. They want to immediately start licking it off. But, I think by doing it daily it has helped the sandpaper roughness they had. It’s also a good time to just bond with each one of them.

But, that is not the only use I found for it! The stray German Shepherd that has been hanging around has some really bad fly bitten ears. The sores on the tips were dry and cracking open to the point of bleeding. I have been using it on his ears twice a day now and they are starting to heal up! They will probably always be scarred, but at least they are not bleeding anymore!

The Protect and Heal Dog Salve is a very gentle, soothing and is an all natural dog salve. It works great for minor cuts, scrapes, burns, hot spots, mild skin irritations, saddle sores and more. It can be used for both dogs, horses, and people too.

  • Help prevent those nasty winter ice balls from forming between the toes
  • Protects and heals paws burns from road salts
  • Heals dry, cracked paws
  • Heals cuts, scrapes, sores and minor skin irritations that come with winter play
  • Soothes and conditions paw pads to keep them protected during the winter months

The Protect and Heal Dog Salve is fast becoming a staple in my furbaby medicine bag. You guys know I have four furbabies of my own, and deal with a lot of strays. One of them is always having a problem, whether it be their paws, ears, or minor cuts and scraps. This little tin has become a goto to grab when a problem arises!

Purchase Dog Gone Dirt Protect and Heal Dog Salve

You can purchase the Protect and Heal Dog Salve online by visiting Dog Gone Dirt. You can also keep up with all the latest news by visiting and liking them on Facebook! PLEASE NOTE: It is not for use on cats.

Now, Miss Molly wants to say a few words…

I’m glad my Lady likes this stuff! I like the paw rubbin’! Who don’t like a good foot massage WOOF?! I also got a scratch from playin’ to rough with my brother the other day and my Lady even rubbed it on my nose. I gotta say, it did make it feel all better! Or, maybe it was the kiss she gave me on my nose that did it!

I was provided with the product above for review from Dog Gone Dirt. No other compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions stated here are 100% my own.

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