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Garden Vegetables Safe for Dogs

Growin’ a vegetable garden is a great way to have a steady supply of fresh vegetables for you humanz to enjoy, but did you know you can enjoy the harvest with us dogs too?

There are a lot of garden vegetables safe for dogs.

They provide us with nutrients and vitamins that we need and crave.

If your dog has never enjoyed fresh vegetables, they are definitely in for a treat! Most of us dogs love the flavor of vegetables!

If ya got a large vegetable harvest, ya can even cook em and add to our daily meals too.

So, if you want to add healthy vegetables to your dog’s diet, look to your garden to improve their health!

I’ll let my Lady tell ya a few garden vegetables safe for dogs and how to serve em up to us WOOF!

Garden Vegetables Safe for Dogs

Garden Vegetables Safe for Dogs

Vegetable Garden Considerations

If you’re going to be feeding your dog from your vegetable garden, there are some things that you have to consider.

The first is knowing what vegetables are toxic and which ones are safe.

If you use chemicals in your garden, it’s important to know if they will have harmful health side effects for your dog.

Organic gardening is the best option for both you and your pets.

Dog holding a carrot in his mouth

Root Vegetables

There are several root vegetables that are healthy and safe for our dogs to eat.

Potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes are great additions to a dog’s diet.

Carrots can be enjoyed raw.

Most dogs prefer raw cause they are crisp and fun to chew on.

However, potatoes and sweet potatoes should be baked, or cooked, and then added to your dog’s regular meals.

You can even make tasty homemade dog chips by using a dehydrator (or oven) to dehydrate sweet potatoes!

Dogs love them!

Golden retriever with broccoli in mouth

Cool Season Vegetables

If you have time to put in an early, or late, growing garden, broccoli, cauliflower, celery and asparagus are all good for our dogs too!

Asparagus takes at least two seasons to grow.

However, if you have an entire bed dedicated to their growth, you’re bound to have plenty.

Broccoli, cauliflower and celery, while good for our dogs, should be fed in moderation.

Broccoli is especially healthy, but too much of a good thing can make dogs sick.

Think of broccoli as a snack food or treat.

Pumpkin and pumpkin dog treats

Vine Growing Vegetables

Squash and pumpkin are two large growing vegetables that can be enjoyed by dogs.

Pumpkin and squash make great bases for dog biscuits and snacks once they have been cooked and pureed.

Chewy squash and pumpkin chips that have been baked in the oven can be stored for up to two weeks and used as treats.

Vine growing green beans and peas are two more vegetables that can be enjoyed fresh, right off the vine.

Dogs love chewing on them and their watery flesh is a great way to help keep their teeth clean while they snack.

Green beans and peas can also be added to recipes for home cooked dog food, or mixed in with their prepared dog food, once they have been cooked.

Garden vegetables can be both good and healthy for our dogs!

And, beyond snacks, vegetables are a great way to spice up their dinner if they are bored with the same old food everyday.

Vegetables add taste and texture to their meals! Don’t forget to ask for tips from Arlington garden experts to help you.

Dorothy Boucher

Saturday 28th of November 2020

Never thought that having a garden could benefit a dog so much. I love that you can use a variety of vegetables as not only food but treats. @tisonlyme143

Dana Rodriguez

Friday 25th of October 2019

I never realized how many garden veggies are safe for your pup. This is a great list!

Cindy Vincent

Saturday 4th of August 2018

thank you for sharing this


Monday 5th of February 2018

My sister's dog loves her veggies. This is good information to know, and what to go easy on. I never thought of using my dehydrator to make doggie treats - good idea!!!


Tuesday 22nd of November 2016

This is nice to know for dogs. We always grow a vegetable garden and lots of extra veggies some times if we dont give to the neighbors . Now doggie gets some too. thanks for the info

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