Our newest addition to the pack, Poco, is what my Lady calls a “Little Houdini” and has to wear a puppy bumper – more on that later.
To my way of thinkin’, he ain’t quite right in the head WOOF!
My Lady rescued him from a road ditch – a road ditch y’all!
Now, he just doesn’t know how good he’s got it here. He is always hankerin’ to be on the other side of the fence, running here and there.
It causes quite a commotion, especially early in the morning.
You just don’t mess with my Lady before her coffee.
But, that feller has had her out running down the street and into the neighbor’s yard trying to catch him.
She got tired of that real quick and set out to fix his silly Houdini ways!
If you are needing to know how to keep your little Houdini on the right side of the fence, read on!

My Lady tried all sorts of things and was at her wit’s end.
But, finally, she has found something that is working called a Puppy Bumper.
He looks a little silly, but he likes it.
And, to his surprise – he’s stuck with us on the INSIDE of the fence these days WOOF!
Lemme fetch my Lady to tell you more about it!
Here’s my Lady to tell you how a puppy bumper could solve your little Houdini’s escaping problem!
Miss Molly is right! I was at my wit’s end!
After all, there is nothing like running down the road, through yards and ditches, and into woods and fields chasing a quick-as-lightning dog!
And, did I mention his favorite time is first thing in the morning BEFORE my morning coffee?!
We have 2 acres fenced in for the pack and it is a little daunting that this little squirt can’t be happy with that 🙁
Nope! He wants on the OTHER side of the fence! We have plugged holes, closed gaps, and did our best to secure the fence.
But, there were still places around the bottom where he was pushing out with his little 8-pound self, and, well, with 2 acres of fencing – it is hard to find all the secret places he used to get out.
As a last resort, I hit the internet searching for solutions to keep him in the fence.
That is when I found the Puppy Bumpers!
I am so pleased with the results I just have to share them with you!

What is a Puppy Bumper?
The Puppy Bumper helps prevent puppies and small dogs from escaping through openings.
It more or less makes them too “fat” to be able to fit through.
The fun-colored puffy collar gently bumps them back inside the fence! Is that not brilliant?
The Puppy Bumper is filled with polyester fiberfill stuffing for optimum thickness.
It is easy to put on. You simply attach it to their collar with the built-in loops.
Place the collar on your pup and then secure it with the button snap – easy peasy!
It is also machine washable and can be tumble dried on low.
That is a good thing here!
The way these pups rough house and roll in the dirt, we NEED washable!
PLEASE NOTE: It MUST be used with their collar! And, you should NEVER leave your dog unsupervised with it on.

The Puppy Bumper is Soft and Comfy!

I’m not sure what I expected. Well, yes I do.
I expected Poco to put up a fight about wearing it.
However, he never blinked an eye! It is soft and light and he doesn’t seem to mind at all.
He can run and play as usual.
The only difference is, and much to his dismay, he can no longer fit through or under the fence!
Score one for the humans!
The big dogs have already rolled him in the dirt during play – hence the dirt on the collar.
But, as I said, the Puppy Bumper is machine washable so he can play and wrestle to his heart’s content.
From watching him almost get run over after escaping to chasing him around the neighborhood, it is a relief to know he is now more secure.
I still go outside with him, however, I can breathe a little sigh of relief and enjoy my coffee from the porch instead of running around like a mad woman in my PJs!
If you have a small dog and especially a little Houdini and want to give one a try, you can find the fashionable Puppy Bumpers online at Chewy.com or on Amazon!
And, a hint – I measured his normal collar to find the correct size 🙂
Saturday 15th of September 2018
what a smart solution and nice looking too
Mia Rose
Tuesday 22nd of May 2018
Such a clever way to keep the escape artist in - so much easier than all the other solutions. Some dogs just seem to need the challenge of getting out.
Sarah L
Sunday 29th of April 2018
That is a clever invention to keep small dogs out of small holes.