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How to Protect Your Dog from Pests

Certain pests can wreak havoc on your dog if you don’t take the right protections. Along with being a nuisance, many pests are known to spread diseases and cause other health problems that can affect your dog’s wellbeing. Following these four tips can help you protect your dog as more insects wake up for the summer weather.

How to Protect Your Dog from Pests

Get the Right Veterinary Care

In addition to taking your dog to the vet for standard checkups, it’s advisable to ask about other treatments to help keep pests at bay. Lyme disease, which is transmitted by tick bites, can often be prevented in dogs who’ve been vaccinated against it. This is especially important for those living near mountain areas where Lyme disease is a greater risk. Your vet may also be able to offer solutions that protect against heartworms, roundworms and ear mites. Oral medications, specialized collars, and other treatments can be applied even on a day-to-day basis in high-risk areas as prescribed by a licensed veterinarian to keep your dog safe from harmful pests and the diseases they carry.

Create Deterrents in Your Yard for Pests

Because your dog is likely out in your yard often, turning this outdoor space into a pet-friend and pest-unfriendly setting can keep your canine out of the mandibles of dangerous critters. To keep mosquitos away, SFGate suggests mowing grass short and releasing some nematodes that feed on mosquitos. Tick infestations can be prevented by using natural repellant products for pets and planting some lemongrass, garlic plants or other types of foliage that are known to repel ticks. Simply removing pet waste from your yard regularly can be enough to ward off roundworms. In areas of high risk and humidity, professional help may be required to properly set up your yard as a bug-barrier.

Order Home Pest Control

Instead of trying to make your premises a pest-free setting for your dog by yourself, there are many local pest control services that can implement the most effective ways to stop pesky critters in their tracks. The best professionals can locate and treat the areas around properties where pests often congregate. From there, they can help you identify and implement the most effective and pet-safe treatments and strategies to keep harmful bugs out of your yard as much as possible. Some pest control companies are even committed to using environmentally friendly products that have less negative impact on the planet, people and pets. IF you use a pest control service, ask them about their most natural and organic solutions, and be aware that just being organic isn’t always enough to make it pet friendly.

Make Grooming Routine

Whether you choose to groom your dog yourself or visit a professional groomer, keeping your dog clean on a regular basis can help you catch problems early on. During the course of washing your dog’s ears, brushing their fur, and cleaning their paws, you may notice signs of insect bites or flecks of flea dirt that may indicate the beginnings of an infestation. Catching these issues early can help you prevent it from spreading and becoming more difficult to uproot. Many shampoos for dogs are formulated with ingredients that are known to inhibit fleas, ticks and other pests. Regular coat trimmings can also keep pests from hiding in your dog’s fur. Take the time to pamper your dog with love and proper grooming, and you’ll be more capable of catching issues before they become emergencies.

As loyal as dogs are to us, it is our job to be loyal to them and maintain their health any way we can. Take the time to look into what pests are common in your area so that you can take the appropriate measures against them. With a little extra time and care, your dog will be well ahead of the summer bugs and safe to enjoy the fresh air with their favorite human companion.

Angela Saver

Friday 3rd of May 2019

So many great tips! We actually just scheduled to have perimeter pest control and we regularly take our pup to the groomer.


Friday 3rd of May 2019

We've been lucky and not had a problem in this house for the past 10 years. Prior to that, we've had issues with fleas (real pain to do the whole house). Fingers crossed!

Debbie P

Friday 3rd of May 2019

Thanks for the great tips.

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