Do you have a dog that begs for food at the dinner table? If so, you’re not alone. Maybe you have tried to teach your dog not to beg with no luck.
Many dogs develop this bad habit, and it can be tough to break them of it.
In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks that will help teach your dog not to beg.
We’ll also cover some common reasons why dogs beg in the first place, and how to prevent it from happening.
So if you’re struggling with a begging dog, read on for some helpful advice!

It is an embarrassing habit
It’s one of those things that is both annoying and embarrassing, both for you and your dog.
You cook yourself a nice meal, then sit down to eat it, and then he or she sits there staring at you, as close as possible, clearly begging for you to hand over some bit of your meal.
Even worse? You have company over, and Fido is right there in their face, giving them his best begging eyes and maybe even whining a little.
It’s enough to make you want to banish your dog from the room every time you sit down to eat!
The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way, not if you teach your dog to not beg.
Teach your dog from the get-go
It’s better of course to teach your dog to not beg right from the get-go, rather than waiting until it’s an established habit or routine between the two of you, or between your dog and the rest of the family because it’s a lot harder to achieve.
But it can be done, and that’s the bottom line.
But of course, it’s more than that, because a dog has nothing else to do but beg when everyone else is eating, thus you need to somehow make it clear to your dear sweet doe-eyed, sad-faced pet, that begging is simply not an option.

Here are a few tips and tricks on how to teach your dog not to beg:
Don’t eat at the same time as your dog
The way you teach your dog to stop begging is by not reinforcing the begging by giving him or her something to eat when you are eating.
This means that you need to be vigilant about not giving in, no matter how much your dog begs or how cute he or she looks.
If you give in even once, it will teach your dog that begging pays off, and he or she will continue to do it.
So be strong, and don’t give in!
Don’t allow them in the kitchen/dining room when eating
Another way to help teach your dog not to beg is by establishing some ground rules and sticking to them.
For example, you could decide that your dog is only allowed in the kitchen or dining room when there is no food on the table or counters.
This means that you need to be consistent about putting away all food before letting your dog into the room, and not leaving anything out where he or she can beg for it.
Put them in their “spot” or “place” before eating
You could also teach your dog to “go to his or her spot or place” when you sit down to eat, and have him or her stay there until you are finished.
This way, your dog is not in the room with you while you are eating, and can’t beg for food.
To do this, you will need to teach your dog the “go to your spot” command beforehand.
Once he or she understands this command, you can put them in their spot and have them stay there while you eat.
Then, the next time you sit down for a meal, show your dog where to sit and then go back to the table.
If the dog gets up, go over and help him or her sit or lay back down.
Tell them to sit there and behave. If after several tries, the dog doesn’t cooperate, banish him or her once again.
If there is howling or crying, ignore it, even if it ruins your meal.
Tell yourself that it’s your fault, not the dogs that there is a problem to begin with and buck up. Don’t run back and forth hoping that will help; it won’t.
Keep this up for each meal until the dog begins to get the idea that he or she will not be allowed to approach the table while you are eating.
And when he or she does as requested, ignore him or her, and make sure your family does as well.
Don’t say the dog’s name or even talk about the fact that they are there.
Instead, try to make it a normal thing that your dog is where he or she is supposed to be while the rest of you are eating.
Then, after dinner is over, reward your dog in some way that is not related to food.
Take him or her for a walk or to the park or whatever it is the two of you do for fun so he or she will understand that you are not angry or upset and still want him or her around.
And then, never ever cheat on the rules.

Give them a toy to keep them occupied
Another option is to give your dog a toy or treat that will keep him or her occupied while you eat.
This could be a Kong toy filled with peanut butter or better yet, try our tasty Homemade Pumpkin and Banana Kong filler.
They may also enjoy a special bone that they only get when you are eating.
This will help teach your dog that there is else to do besides beg for food and can be a great way to keep them occupied and out of trouble.
Do not feed them the same food you are eating
Never give your dog the same food you eat.
Dogs beg because they want what you have, which is usually better than what they have.
So if you are eating chicken and rice for dinner, don’t give your dog chicken and rice as well.
Instead, feed them their regular food, or something that is just as good but not the same.
Be patient and consistent
With some patience and consistency, you can teach your dog not to beg. Then, you can enjoy peaceful meals without begging eyes staring at you from across the table!
Try out these tips and see which ones work best for you and your dog. Good luck!
Do you have any tips or tricks for teaching your dog not to beg? Share them in the comments below!
Thursday 29th of December 2022
The little dog we had as a teen was taught not to beg so what she did was walk around the kitchen table SNEEZING. How could you fault a dog for sneezing? This way you knew she was there "just in case" something were to drop her way. Brings a smile to my face just thinking about her slyness.
Antoinette M
Wednesday 28th of December 2022
Patience is key. Thanks for the tips!
Debbie P
Wednesday 9th of November 2022
Thanks for this article and info.
Molli Taylor
Monday 18th of July 2022
i should do this but also it's kind of cute when he begs...