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Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

I remember when I first found my Lady. I had only been here a few days when she was telling me I was going to go see the lady in the white coat for an operation. It sounded kinda scary, but she told me it would be alright. Anyway, when it was time, I just had to go take a nap at the vet’s office. WOOF! I came home and slept some more. It sure did make me sleepy that day, but by the next day, I was right as rain again and playing again! It wasn’t a big deal, just like my Lady had told me. All of us pups in the pack have been spayed or neutered. Anyway, let me get my Lady to tell ya ’bout the benefits of spaying and neutering your pet.

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Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

If you are of a certain age, perhaps you had a grandmother that babysat you while watching Bob Barker on the Price is Right. 

If so, you probably have a vivid memory burned into your mind of him closing every show with a reminder to spay or neuter your pets.

Bob is no longer on the Price is Right, but his advice is still great if you love animals.

Every year millions of animals end up in shelters and many of these shelters aren’t no-kill shelters.

Most unwanted pets come from uncontrolled breeding of a household pet let outside with a feral animal that happens to be near.

A few months later, you will have six or eight new puppies or kittens to try to find homes for.

You may be able to find homes for a few, but more often than not, no homes can be found. Then, you have to find a shelter that will take them.

Even if you can consistently find homes for all of the extra animals, frequent, uncontrolled breeding can have harmful effects on the female who bears the litter.

This means extra risks to the health of a beloved family pet.

What Does Spay or Neuter Mean?

So what does it mean to spay or neuter an animal?

They are both terms that refer to the surgical sterilization of an animal, spaying is in reference to a female, neuter for a male.

Your vet can handle the procedure, with the animal placed under anesthesia to minimize the discomfort.

Typically, your pet will be released on the same day as the surgery. They may be groggy and will probably sleep most of the next day or two.

Your vet will fill you in on all the details.

Follow the post-op instructions carefully to avoid the chance of infection or other complications from the surgery.

Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

After recovery, your pet will have a number of health benefits in addition to eliminating unwanted pregnancies.

Sterilization reduces the occurrence of pyometra, a common reproductive disorder.

In addition, neutering in male dogs helps lower the chances of prostate cancer and reduces the tendency to search for a female in heat, making them less likely to run off.

They will also usually become calmer and much less territorial.

In females, spaying before the first heat helps lower the incidence of breast cancer.

Additionally, it will keep you from having to care for or find homes for litters of pups year after year.

In a nutshell, unless you have specific plans to breed a pet, there really is no reason to not have them sterilized.

It’s cheap, it’s safe and it can help ensure that a beloved family pet is around for many years to come.

Karen Topf

Sunday 17th of May 2020

It’s important to spray and neuter your pets

Chelsi Smith

Monday 4th of January 2016

Such a great article. Thank you for posting. I am so pro spray/neutering.

Amber Ludwig

Thursday 19th of November 2015

We didn't neuter my dog right away and he sprayed when he got older!! I was so annoying!! I wish that we would have. He's gone now but that spraying made us all nuts!

Judy andrade

Thursday 19th of February 2015

Always spay and neutering!


Tuesday 17th of February 2015

I agree that there are definite advantages to spaying and neutering. Thank you for sharing this article.

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