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Is Your Dog Allergic Their Food? 5 Ways to Find Out

Allergies in dogs can cause all sorts of symptoms, such as itching, scratching, and even vomiting or diarrhea.

If your dog suddenly begins exhibiting these symptoms after eating their regular food, they may be allergic to one of the ingredients.

Although allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, identifying your pup’s symptoms is the first step in learning how to fix their allergy.

Read on to learn more about how to check if your dog is allergic to their food.

Is Your Dog Allergic Their Food? 5 Ways to Find Out

Monitor Your Dog’s Appetite

When you first notice symptoms of an allergic reaction in your dog, check their appetite.

Are they snubbing their food?

Are they acting lethargic or depressed?

If so, it’s possible they’re allergic to something in their diet.

Observe Your Dog’s Poop Consistency

Another way to identify if your dog has an allergy is to observe your dog’s stool.

If it’s unusually hard, clumpy, or difficult to pass, your pooch could be experiencing some food allergies.

If you’re seeing small flecks of red blood in your puppy’s poop, this could also be a sign of an allergic reaction.

Dog with itchy skin allergies

Check Their Skin Condition

There are several different skin conditions that can be a result of allergies.

A dog with skin problems can be allergic to their food or their environment, which is why it’s important to pay attention to how your puppy’s skin looks and feels.

If you notice a change in how your dog’s coat looks or feels, take them in for a checkup at a local vet clinic.

Dog being examined at the vet

Seek Help From Your Vet

While a lot of these tests can be performed at home, it’s always better to have a professional vet take a look.

If you think your dog may be having an allergic reaction, take them in as soon as possible for an examination and possible blood test.

An allergist can help you determine what might be causing reactions and even help manage allergies.

So keep track of how much your dog eats and how he reacts, then go see your vet.

Dog food with veggies in a metal dog food bowl

Test Different Ingredients

Once you’ve noticed the symptoms of an allergic reaction occurring, try setting out different dog food.

Many dogs have corn allergies, so if you have dog food with corn, it may be a good start to test food without corn.

Additionally, you can experiment with different ingredients to figure out what your dog may be allergic to.

Organic pet food may be the change your dog needs in putting a stop to their allergies.

Additionally, organic dog food has been known to be made with more simple ingredients, which can make it easier to narrow down what your dog is allergic to.

Small white dog eating from a ceramic food bowl

If your dog suddenly develops allergic reactions to certain foods, you need to figure out if they are reacting to the food itself or if something else in their diet is causing the problem.

Follow these simple steps to help determine whether or not your dog has an allergy.

Debbie P

Friday 15th of October 2021

Thanks for the great info.

Danielle L August

Friday 15th of October 2021

very informative article, i have a dog that gets injections for this itchy skin, we have had to change food multiple times to finally find what works for him


Thursday 14th of October 2021

Thanks for sharing this very informative post on dog allergies.

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