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Kitty Sniffles: Four Signs Your Cat Needs a Vet Right Away

Most cats, as long as they are fed properly and provided preventative care, are able to live happy, healthy lives. Of course, this does not mean that they will never be ill or suffer some type of emergency situation. Because cats can be very good at hiding their illness, it does sometimes take an attentive owner to identify when things are not quite right. With that in mind, here are several signs that your cat needs a vet because of a potentially serious health concern.

Kitty Sniffles, Four Signs Your Cat Needs a Vet Right Away

Kitty Sniffles: Four Signs Your Cat Needs a Vet Right Away

Struggling for Breath

Cats are very susceptible to infections of the respiratory tract.

Sneezing, wheezing, and coughing are not unusual.

Minor runny noses and the occasional sneeze should be checked out by the vet, but they can be done by making an appointment, rather than worrying about emergency care.

However, if the cat is gasping for breath, listless, or drooling, it is important to get to the clinic as soon as possible.

This problem could be an infection, fluid in the lungs, or even a sign of choking.

Without treatment, cats can die in minutes if they are unable to breathe.

Repeated Uncontrollable Vomiting

Some cats vomit frequently.

It can be from eating too quickly or hairballs.

However, continued vomiting, especially when the cat is not eating or is unable to keep down water, is serious.

Cats are infamous for swallowing objects like string and rubber bands.

This becomes life-threatening if the items become lodged in their intestines.

In addition, vomiting can be a sign of food allergies, the result of ingesting a toxic plant, or a symptom of a serious concern like kidney disease.

Extreme Weight Changes

Rapid gains or losses of weight can signal worm infestations, psychological issues, or even diseases like diabetes.

There are a number of reasons why a cat’s weight may change.

The pet experts at Chester Valley Veterinary Hospital offer weight control management because of its importance to a pet’s health.

This type of program encourages owners to keep their pets from becoming overweight through diet and exercise, they are also able to help identify when an underlying issue, besides overeating, is the problem.

Extreme Unexplained Lethargy

Cats sleep a lot. In fact, for some, it is not unusual for them to nap as much as 13 hours or more a day.

Lethargy is not napping, but a lack of interest or responsiveness to normal stimuli.

A cat that will not get up to eat or play, or does not respond to attention from its owner is in need of an examination.

There are dozens of reasons cats can become lethargic.

Some are simple, like pregnancy or constipation, but they could also be a sign of a life-threatening illness.

For this reason, the pet should be examined immediately.

If your cat acts unusual, either not eating correctly, suddenly not wanting to be held or anything else that does not seem right, pay attention.

Do not let them outside because it is common for cats to hide when they are not feeling well and it may be impossible to find them in time to get help.

Watch closely, and even if the signs seem minor, contact the vet if they are not back to their normal behavior within 2-3 days.

Antoinette M

Friday 22nd of February 2019

I have an older cat and appreciate you sharing this info.


Sunday 19th of August 2018

Important to observe and keep notice of these signs if you have a cat

Calvin F.

Tuesday 14th of March 2017

Sometimes these symptoms are very subtle, so always keep an eye out!


Monday 2nd of January 2017

Thanks for this..we have a rescue and I was curious about a few of the items to listed.


Wednesday 10th of August 2016

Thank you for providing this information-- I'm trying to gather as much info as I can, from a variety of sources, as my cats get older. (They're ages 7 and 8... Eek! Where does the time go?) While he's never shown any of the signs/symptoms mentioned above, my younger cat does sometimes (or, a bit more than sometimes?) make noises in his sleep-- as though he's congested, or has a stuffy nose. He's an orange tabby, and one of those larger orange "tomcats" (born on the mean streets of Chicago!), and I plan to take him to the vet in the near future in order to discuss his diet. He needs to lose maybe 2 lbs., and I want to get ahead of any kind of dietary issues before they become a major problem. Thanks again for posting this.

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