Now that you have gotten a cat and you want to bring them home, I hope you are ready! You are going to be amused, mad, frustrated, and laughing, probably all in the same 15 minutes cause that’s what cats do. Before bringing home your new friend, you should probably stop at the pet store first. Just cause you are mentally ready, you probably don’t have all the supplies needed for a new kitten or cat.
You’ll need to spend some time and money on your new cat, but exactly what depends a little bit on the particular cat you decided on. If you’re gettin’ a kitten, you will need different stuff than if you got a cat and especially if it has medical problems. Some of it will be the same regardless, so we’ll start there.
Supplies Needed for a New Kitten or Cat:
•Cat Carrier – a sturdy one that is appropriately sized. It’s better to buy one than borrow, cats can be a bit territorial about things and getting the new cat into another cat’s box could be more of a fight than you think.
•Food – Best if it is the same kind it already eats or you might have …issues, messy ones. If you want to change to a different kind of food, mix the two kinds together for a while.
•Food and Water Dish – Separate ones, cats usually won’t drink from an all in one dish because they think the water is contaminated by the food. (That sound you hear is Molly laughing about how high maintenance cats are).
•Litter Box – a covered one is best because cats like to bury their business and this will keep the litter (and the odors) contained. Also, some cats are shy. (Now she’s laughing even harder).
•Kitty Litter – Again, get what they are using if possible.
• Pooper Scooper – And a place to put it. Scoop often or your cat will share its unhappiness by making you unhappy with a mess. Also, a place to put it, is a good use for old plastic shopping bags that can be tied off.
•Brush – What kind of brush depends on what kind of cat you have. Ask questions at the shelter or where you got the cat from.
•Toys – cats love to play. Get some you can play with the cat, along with some the cat can play with alone.
•Cat tree – Unless you don’t like your furniture and/or door jambs scratched up.
•Treats – You may even want to spoil them with some treats! Or, check out our Homemade Salmon Cat Treats. All our cat friends love them!!
If you are bringing home a kitten, be aware they require different food than adult cats so ensure that you have the right kind. It will have a lot more calories, protein and fat in it and they will need it for about the first year.
A kitten is very much like a small child, even more so than most animals because they can easily get to places a puppy can’t, so you have to kitten proof your house. Curiosity killed the cat is an expression for a reason. Make sure that electrical cords are in a cord manager and out of the way so they can’t be chewed. In addition, keep the toilet lid down, washer and dryer doors closed, make sure household chemicals are safely stashed and poisonous plants, roach motels, mouse traps are all gotten rid of.
Watch out for choking hazards like balloons, jewelry, rubber bands and string which can all be choking hazards. The same applies to toys with bells or other small parts that can (and will) come apart.
Your new kitten will want to feel secure and warm in his new house. This is probably the first time she/he will have been alone so you want a place tha is cozy, warm and away from the household hustle and bustle,
Older Cats
Older cats are a lot easier than kittens, but try to keep things as much the same for them as possible. That means keeping the same food and litter brands, at least to start.
They probably won’t need a special bed (and likely won’t use it anyway), but they do like a soft place to lay. It might be your bed, your dirty clothes, probably somewhere different every time.
The most important thing you can provide your new cat is a safe, loving environment. It will take some time, but before you know it, your cat will feel like part of the family that has always been there.
Monday 13th of August 2018
Wonderful tips to get started. I was thankful to grow up with cats before i adopted my own so I knew a lot
Tuesday 6th of February 2018
Wouldn't it be fun to have a kitten shower for someone getting their first kitty? I have had cats many years ago, but have none of these things now, would need to start fresh all over again!
Beth Hern
Wednesday 10th of August 2016
Thanks for this info. I am a huge cat lover and has 5 cats and this is exactly what cats needs.
Friday 20th of November 2015
Mine likes to trade up litter,food,and snacks.He loves human food as well.So watch out if you are eating something he wants! LOL
Terri S
Monday 31st of August 2015
This is a great list for a new cat. Thank you for sharing this post.